The History of Hemp

prAna uses hemp fiber that comes from the Industrial hemp plant. Industrial hemp is a low-impact crop that requires much less …


  1. Je moet wel een ongelofelijke sukkel zijn om negatief te reageren op perfecte en schone natuurproducten. Maar goed, van ik neem wel een paracetamolletje type valt nou eenmaal weinig zinvolle reactie te verwachten!.

  2. The reason Hemp was made illegal is b/c it would have made the oil barons obsolete. I'm the only person with guts to base a political campaign on getting rid of the Money Lenders in America and the traitors in Congress. So are there any wealthy Hemp advocates willing to back my constitutional political campaign for Hemp, No Income Taxes and No Usury Banking? Of course, we'll need the equally constitutional Militia of We the People since the bad guys who control the economy only understand force now. I'm at 432.394.6338

  3. Yeah,….we do need Hemp products for making clothing because they last for a long time. Cotton made fabrics that use to manufacture denim and they are sucks because they have a short life and wears out very soon.

  4. It is legal to grow now, at least in 10 states. President O recently signed the Farm Bill so farmers can start growing industrial hemp. Hemp is currently exempt from the Controlled Substances Act.

  5. excellent vid! i found a website that makes stuff from hemp. i bought a hemp wallet (made in the usa)! in america you can talk all you want but you're just wasting air if you don't vote with your feet.

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