1. Thank you for this…brought me to Tears, God Bless him, and the Great act of kindness the Player from the opposing team that gave from his Heart, to care for this Beautiful Young Man๐Ÿ’™
    also to the Coaches and student body…we need more like themโ€ผ๏ธ

  2. I understand that, and im gald he was happy. But lets say there was another kid in the team, who also had the same dream. Lets just say, for effect his father may not have been proud of him for being bad at the game or whatever, is he less entitled to achieve his dreams? anyway, once again, im glad he was happy and im sure he will remember it for the rest of his life, good for him.

  3. I can understand where you are coming from xGaMac97, but he was brought into the game when his team was winning. All the kids on both teams know each other, and they know Mitchell. It has always been a dream of Mitchell's to play and score in a High School Game. This play will be remembered by him, his family, and everyone involved. It was all about making someone HAPPY, and helping them live a dream. That doesn't sound so S*&%y to me…

  4. I'm sure he felt great, and its good for him, but really, if you want to give people equality, you should treat them like everyone else, unless, they are completely incapable of performing certain actions or doing certain things they would like. That pretty much defines equality. How do we know how he felt when THE OTHER TEAM gave him the ball to let him win. Its as if we just assumed he wouldn't know any better. I'm sure he knew fine well they let him win, and i think that's pretty shitty.

  5. This is the most heart warming stories I have ever herd in my entire life and if you dislike this video you are most likely going straight to hell right after I kill you so screw you if you disliked this video because I am a person who does not have much emotion and even I cried when I saw this video because it is so sad and I would like Mitchell to know that he is an amazing person with a bright future and that you are truly awesome!!!!!!!

  6. One of the most wonderful and heartwarming stories I've ever seen.I'm not ashamed to say that I've cried a few tears watching this ๐Ÿ™‚ A story full of stars,and the bright and shining Mitchell at the centre! You're all amazing,thank you from The UK ๐Ÿ™‚

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