1. U can't balance greatness with being normal. U have to be off the books to for that u might face trouble. Rather leading a normal life if someone choose to use marijuana for creativity he or she can use if they can accept the consequences

  2. anyone reading this in india specially college students, please know that 90% of the people smoking weed specially in the metro cities like delhi , bangalore etc are not smoking clean weed , they are smoking spiked and laced weed with chemicals that are outrageous and cheap , like boot polish , vaseline and what not even rat poison , believe me this is true , so stop smoking at all , only smoke the stuff from himachal like malana cream and only if you are very very sure that it is clean , go and check the source if you have to. Guys this is not wroth it , weed might not be that bad for you and it has always been a part of the culture but what most people in india are smoking rn is not just weed but mixed with adulterants that is why people are so hooked up with weed , that you get cravings and restlessness without weed. be safe and healthy

  3. My brother was addicted to bhang ( weed ) and one day he was very worried and he said to my father that he had eaten 5 goli of bhang.and after few hours he lost his mind and he was in illusion that some people of our street killed our family members but this was not true. We all are alive and we have never any dispute with our neighbours but my brother was in illusion so he thought this for 3 days and 4th day he did sucide. Guys weed can make you mad .

  4. This gola is fine when you don’t starting abusing it!
    I still remember i used to consume these daily and trust me within a month my body was turning black my fingers turning black, my face started changing and someone can easily recognise that i use some kind of drugs!
    Life became slower,
    Started procastinating,
    Amotivational syndrome,
    Laziness, lack of confidence, lack of energy, lack of focus, damnn this memory is soo haunting for me!
    If you wanna try give it a try but remember never abuse it . Its worse then any kind of drugs!💀

  5. High in marijuana you may want to be alone… same thing when doing meditation. If there is good communication, it shouldn’t affect your relationship negatively. It may even help, being alone some time you see everything in different perspective, even your own actions

  6. Bhang is freaking amazing, but popping that stuff everyday? I can't even imagine, you'd be just so disengaged. I have it once a month or so and the high is so powerful; I had to take a day off work once because of the (b)hangover.

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