Why I Stay Away From Delta-8, THC-O, HHC, etc

So recently there’s been a big rise in these compounds and as time has gone on I’ve liked the idea of them less and less.


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  2. I agree , all these new things are nothing similar d9 , they all taste like chemicals and make me feel weird , not good.

    High and feeling good are not the same thing

    Lots of things get you high , but only D9 cannabis is good im

    If it takes solvents and acids and neutralizing agents , and specialized lab equipment to be make it , how natural could that be?

    Hard pass for me

  3. These are far far from spice my friend I understand your argument and love the safety you have for the community, totally true they are synthetic and Yes thatā€™s spooky af for all natural pure smokers regular thc makes me me paranoid and have even hallucinated one time off Some wax(scariest thing in the world) was partial panic attack to though but with D8 atleast because I canā€™t speak on D9 HHC (although I did buy a cart for it today) my wife has done thco itā€™s not that strong it didnā€™t kill her or make her really hallucinated she has done hhcp you name the derivative of thc and she has done it and her being a very very avid natural pure thc enthusiast she loves it so much.and in retrospect it helps me with the anxiety and the paranoia of normal thc. I mean nothing but well brother and just wanted to shed my personal insight into your hot take on it and totally respect those who stay tride and true

  4. I would just specify one thing. The acid they use breaks down the cells and they are able to extract the specific molecule that they want to extract out of the plant cell. You were making it sound more like they put this acid in and it creates something new but, it is an extraction process. I've been addicted to spice before it was horrible and I find it incredibly egregious to compare any molecule in the cannabis plant to that horrible stuff. It is different because spice is a 100% lab made synthetic chemical that is absolutely nothing in effect like my experience smoking any of this Delta 8 and thco.

  5. Itā€™s not the same as spice. Spice isnā€™t made from hemp and isnā€™t a cannabinoid. Delta 8 along with others are simply separated from the hemp through a process using solvents, that if done correctly, has only Delta 8 left over. A lot of misinformation being spouted in this video that needs to be corrected. Please donā€™t try to cancel an industry without researching first. Thank you.

    Edit: I have discovered that this process has some issues and if done incorrectly, can leave heavy metals behind as well. Unfortunately, this means you can get a bad batch from time to time. Guess I stand corrected.

  6. Even if you're using acid to extract or convert real cannabinoids into something else does not make it synthetic my friend, As much as I don't agree with taking this stuff as much as you do you're still not explaining it properly and even if it's 0.003% of containing cannabinoids and hemp that just means you have to use a lot more hemp to make the milligrams… šŸ™„šŸ˜¬

  7. I live in Los Angeles, CA most of these D10/9 and HCC edibles are certified and regulated. Anything you donā€™t get in a dispensary is lowk sketch prob filled with them synthetics you talking about. Other than that just know your source and see if they are trustworthy. I buy my Delta10/9 and HCC edibles at ā€œTre Houseā€

  8. Yes, this is going to end up just like spice dead most definitely they just need to legalize the original Delta nine and leave the fuck alone Yeah, theyā€™re just so much safer than the real old fashion marijuana Delta nine until all this synthetic shit starts making you eat homeless peoples faces or your roommates brains look at what happened to Florida

  9. They need to stop trying to make all of these so-called legal highs And they just need to legalize Delta nine instead of all of these synthesized man-made garbage oh donā€™t do Delta nine because itā€™s so bad for you, but do Delta 10 delta eight and all of this other garbage itā€™s so stupid they need to stop putting out all the synthesized shit and just legalize weed and be done with it

  10. Ah, I remember my ex got spice and I was not a pothead at all…. he had me smoke that and I got soooo sick… it was a really traumatizing experience…spins, nausea, paranoia…

  11. I have been using these hemp-derived THC variants for almost 2 years now and all I can tell you is that they are equal if not better than traditional cannabis. Whether the THC in these products are natural or not is irrelevant. I doubt that these variants are less healthy for you than cannabis. So you decide for yourself what you should try or not.

  12. cannabis hasnā€™t been tested or proven on paper either.

    you can tell how these things are based on how many hospitalizations are connected.

    from what iā€™m seeing, none

  13. Smh it's time some of you got a little chemistry and pharmacology lesson.

    There's a difference between completely synthetic cannabinoids like JWH-018 and semi-synthetic cannabinoids like Delta-8-THC and HHC derived from natural cannabinoids. No one's claiming that their Delta-8-THC or HHC is naturally extracted from hemp or whatever. Just one quick look at the structure of, say, JWH-018 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JWH-018 ) will instantly tell you that it bears no chemical resemblance whatsoever to THC, and the reagents for its synthesis are mostly derived from petroleum products. One thing that stands out to me in particular is that synthetic cannabinoids are almost always amines while natural and semi-synthetic cannabinoids never are.

    Ultimately, the danger of synthetic cannabinoids doesn't come from the fact that they're made in a lab, but that they're completely different drugs entirely with completely different pharmacological profiles– after all, Dronabinol is an FDA-approved, synthetically-derived Delta-9-THC prescription-only medicine that is chemically and pharmacologically IDENTICAL to the natural product, although the terpenes usually present in cannabis are of course not present in Dronabinol.

    Hydrogenating (HHC) or moving a double bond one carbon over (Delta-8-THC) on a natural cannabinoid isn't going to drastically alter its effects or impact its safety, and if anything, these semi-synthetic cannabinoids are less potent and more safe than Delta-9-THC, psychologically and otherwise. Acetylating (THC-O) regular Delta-9-THC turns it into a compound that's metabolized in the body back into regular Delta-9-THC and acetic acid, which is essentially vinegar; consuming THC-O is no more dangerous than taking a regular Delta-9-THC edible and washing it down with a shot of vinegar. THC-O is more lipid soluble than Delta-9-THC, allowing more of it to cross the blood brain barrier before being metabolized back into Delta-9-THC, ultimately resulting in a higher concentration of THC in the brain and therefore a higher potency than THC alone. Ironically, THC-O itself isn't psychoactive at all, and the only reason it gets you stoned is because your body converts it back into the regular Delta-9-THC that you know and love, along with vinegar. If acetylation somehow made THC-O uniquely dangerous compared to Delta-9-THC, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) would be too dangerous to risk taking, and instead we'd take salicylic acid whenever we got a headache.

    Synthetic cannabinoids like JWH-018 are often full agonists on the CB1 and CB2 receptors while natural and semi-synthetic cannabinoids are always only partial agonists on those receptors, and this is ultimately what makes synthetic cannabinoids dangerous and what makes natural and semi-synthetic cannabinoids very safe by comparison. Full agonists on the CB1 and CB2 receptors are capable of producing a strong physical addiction, hallucinations, delirium, and fatal overdose. Partial agonists like Delta-8 and Delta-9-THC, HHC, THC-O et cetera are not capable of producing such effects.

    People who don't understand chemistry often put naturally occurring chemicals in one mental category and synthetic ones in another, but the fact of the matter is that there's literally no chemical difference between, say, Delta-9-THC derived from the cannabis plant and Delta-9-THC synthesized in a lab and prescribed as Dronabinol. If JWH-018 were a naturally occurring cannabinoid, it would not make it any less dangerous, and if Delta-9-THC didn't occur in nature, it would not make it any more dangerous. Don't let synthesis scare you, and inversely, don't blindly trust the safety of a compound just because it happens to occur in nature. At the end of the day, EVERYTHING is made of chemicals.

  14. I live in FL and ik for a fact one of the companies here that are no good is Utoya.

    There are only 2 hemp companies I could find that have complete SAFETY testing for human consumption. Whom ever reads this please do not fall for a simple cannabinoid test (ex: cbn 3%, delta 9 .01%) that tells you nothing. You need to look for companies that do through tests such as heavy metal, residual solvents, pesticides etc.

    And dont just accept a lab test they provide. Double check with the lab and if its for the current batch you are buying. A test in March of 2022 for example isnt relevant for you buying a product many months or a year in the future. I am ALL for heavy regulations on what is essentially a synthetic cannabinoid black market. Many fakes copying real companies, many only showing you cannabinoids, others not testing at all, others provide tests that arenā€™t even theirs!

    It is safe to say that there is not a single product in any shop, yes I mean vape shop, gas stations etc, that are safe. Heck, even dispos get infiltrated because of lack of regulation in the hemp industry and legal loopholes.

    Iā€™d be the first one advocating for a crackdown on these extremely dangerous products. The more people think they are ok and use them the more cases of injuries and deaths and all for saving a few dollars on testing. Then the people who dont know any better will try to ban hemp all together.

    For clarification, it is not the actual products themselves that are harmful like d8 thc with a few exceptions (hhc, thc-o, basically any cannabinoid that isnt natural and was produced by man), it is the lack of through safety procedures as a result of lax regulations in the industry that render the products harmful. Cutting agents like Vitamin E and Phytol have not gone away which is gravely disturbing.

    The 2 companies known to entire reddit post communities are: Wyld Cbd, Receptra Naturals. Ik, no flower, distillates, edibles or anything else fun. But again, this is the case specifically for HEMP. You are much better off going to dispos and getting marijuana. Thanks to heavy regulation straight up mj is a lot safer as far as contaminants.

    Below I will put the name of the various posts where I derived my information from. Read it throughly and go down a little rabbit hole, see for yourself on products youā€™ve used or whatever and youā€™ll see its not just made up.




  15. I produce all 3 of the deltas and I do not Synthesize them. I get them all 3 from himp. With a heat vice and filter bags. No chemicals required. Green plant pressure and heat. You can also acquire them through beautain isolation. I don't know of many companies in the US that are still synthesizing deltas. Hemp and marijuana are too readily available now. So synthesizing is not cost effective.

  16. Delta 9 THC from himp is not illegal. It's just not profitable. Unless you are isolating it from unsold stock. Due to the market being flooded. Which some companies are now doing. The process of getting Delta 8 does not create Delta 9. There is a very ministerial amount of Delta 9 in himp. It is captured with the Delta 8 isolation. However it's in such small amounts in parts per million. It does not have to be listed on chemical or ingredient lists. There is no acids needed to make Delta 8 Delta 9 or Delta 10. All can be obtained through heat press isolation. Using various temperature settings and various micron filter back. All 3 can also be obtained from hemp or marijuana. If you obtain any of the 3 from marijuana it is technically illegal. Some States in America it is illegal to obtain it either way. Some States have absolutely no regulation on himp products. Some States have age regulations. Yeah it is really f*** u* here. You just have to abide by the laws of the state that you are in.

  17. Heres the three things that I don't like about the new cannabinoid boom

    (1). It is meth-lab levels of dangerous to make HHC and THC-O as well as extremely expensive. I personally do not believe most products advertised as such are real because of the glaring logistical questions that are never answered, you need a whole lab setup to just make small amounts of any acetate esters, so how the hell is it being mass produced?

    (2). Delta 8 products has been thrown through chromatography before and often theres amounts of both D9 and D10 in there, which doesn't bother me as much as the "unknown" chemicals that popped up as well. These companies do not care about people, they care about money, so whatever is in these products thats popping up on chromatographies isn't being publicly listed for a reason.

    (3) Acetate Esters (THC-O, HHC-O) are unsafe to heat up and inhale. ALL acetate esters break down into a toxic Ketene gas. These two compounds are safe to orally ingest but never vape or smoke an Acetate Ester.

  18. Good on you for bringing this to everybody's attention. And thank you. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about all of these other things, I have legally grown my own (edit:) ORGANIC….. k, rant over.. , for the last two years and I still have at least 20 lb worth of extracts, tinctures and root salve. Not to mention some brownie butter and some awesome Looking hash that has never seen a rectum for commercial shipping purposes. LOL

  19. Bruh unless you have at least masters degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry or even Biology , you are totally incompetent to talk about this topic and believe me even if you're long time pothead, this fact doesn't make you competent. Comparing spice with vapes containing HHC, Delta-8 and THC-O is ridiculous. Apparently you have no idea how chemical processes work and how compounds are extracted and then transformed as a result. Stay delusional my man. Cheerz

  20. Who cares? I mean seriously people think that them not taking a natural substance is such a big deal that they have to tell everyone about it. I mean come on, grow up.

  21. Delta 9 extract from hemp is pretty great. I buy from a local company that makes some awesome gummies. They just have to use a lot of hemp for extraction since hemp has less than 0.03% delta 9.

  22. I understand your logic but it does not make sense scientifically because if the drug is made synthetic or extracted naturally it is 100% the same drug. It got the same atomic numbers etc. if you take a Vitamin-C tablet it might be made synthetic or extracted from fruit but the label wonā€™t say because it makes no sense. A lab-test also canā€™t say if your 99% pure THC is made synthetic or extracted, because itā€™s the same. Something like THC-O is not found in the plant tho but our body removes the Acetate ester while metabolism so it gets turned into THC in the end but I get why people would not take HHCO/THCO. Spice, K2, JWH, AM, ADB and all other man made cannabinoids is nothing like HHC, D8 etc. itā€™s like comparing morphine with fentanyl.

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