Fantastic breakdown, Mister Carroll! I'm a client of one of Dr. McGill's master clinicians, Marc Luko, and this stuff has been life changing for me, to say the least. I'm 48 now and came to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu late in life (started in 2017) and Dr Luko really got me on the right track with the core work and the proper lifts. Having a good time, and just got my purple belt last week.
But there's always some fine tuning to be done and I just picked up the updated version of your book. SUPER excited to dig into it after I get a good night's rest. Keep up the good work, Sir!
Part 3 of 3: Bad form on the deadlift and back pain: what have you done to cause your pain?
Fantastic breakdown, Mister Carroll! I'm a client of one of Dr. McGill's master clinicians, Marc Luko, and this stuff has been life changing for me, to say the least. I'm 48 now and came to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu late in life (started in 2017) and Dr Luko really got me on the right track with the core work and the proper lifts. Having a good time, and just got my purple belt last week.
But there's always some fine tuning to be done and I just picked up the updated version of your book. SUPER excited to dig into it after I get a good night's rest. Keep up the good work, Sir!
Rodney McNeely
need a short form video editor?