Bad Things We Only Have Because Of Lobbying – SOME MORE NEWS

Hi. Corporations and industry groups spend billions of dollars on lobbying members of Congress. On today’s episode, we look at …


  1. There should be a greater distinction between natural people and legal persons which are created under the authority of the state. Almost everyone thinks corporations should have 5th amendment rights while not having the right to vote. Personally I think applying the free exercise clause of the first amendment to businesses is absurd. The free exercise clause was intended to protect the exercise of religion which means going to church and such, only people and religious organizations can exercise their religion. It wasn't intended to protect baking cakes at your for profit bakery just because you happen to be religious and I was told that the intent of the founders were suppose to matter.

  2. The BBC just changed all it's news cycles to be about a tweet criticising our government and simultaneously cancelled a David Attenborough documentary because it would, quote "Upset The Right." Turns out, David Cameron and Boris Johnson and a load of other Tories worked for the BBC. It's basically where you audition for becoming a Right-Wing figurehead. The entire broadcasting company is infested with Right-Wing lobbyists according to several current and ex employees.

    Seeing the word "Lobbyists" reminded me I haven't watched Some More News in a few weeks, so here I am.

  3. Seems like the problem is less about lead batteries and more about recycling them. There has to be a way to do it without releasing thousands of pounds of lead into the ecosystem (why would you want to do that anyway when your trying to get those thousands of pounds as product). Our modern society requires a whole lot of super toxic and dangerous things to continue, and until we have safer battery alternatives it'd make more sense to focus on safely handling the ones we have.

    I'm just willing to bet its a lot cheaper to just toss that shit into a furnace than it is to capture all the smoke from smelting it and then filtering out the particulates. And so the answer to that is… well… regulation.

  4. Some people are dicks and like to hold power over other people's heads….that sounds like some dick paying less than minimum wage and expecting customers to be a payroll department.

  5. As an Australian, the American tipping culture is absolutely mindboggling. Not just for the reasons you've stated, but also for the ridiculous power dynamic it creates between diners and servers. Like I just wanna eat my food and go. I don't wanna be responsible for evaluating the "quality" of service, especially when "quality" of service is defined as Americans define it. Please just let me order and pay at the counter and give me a buzzer to let me know when to pick it up, rather than hovering around me constantly throughout the meal

  6. This show radicalises me more and more lol. Is there any way, like a career path I guess, for sticking up for workers rights? I mean union is one obviously but isn't that mired in politics?

  7. As a kid growing up in Los Angeles in the 90s there were “a little bit of lead never hurt anyone” commercials all the time. But LA is a toxic hell hole with even higher than normal radiation levels so what was one more thing?

  8. I work for a movie theater, and the state health inspector just showed up and made us make every single employee do that ServSafe training, when previously only managers had to have it done. At my place of work, that's 60 new classes we had to buy, instead of 6.

  9. Boil plastic in water, trap the smoke. Condense it, filter it, and the liquid that comes out? it will run in a car.
    Plastic waste could be used as fuel, and can generate power while processing it….. But that won't happen

  10. There are only 2 good uses for lead: projectiles and solder. Lead-free solder is likely a major contributor to why your electronics do not last. In fact, NASA does not allow lead-free solder in its satellites because it fails far faster than 40-60 solder. It's not that big a deal when your moose brain voice assistant fails but when it is in orbit, a broken solder ball or a tin whisker short circuit can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to fix.

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