1. Get up lift weights on ketogenic diet, listen to prayer audio, lights to simulate sunrise, pemf mat, workout with oxygen, red light therapy…
    Sucks to realize that these are all artificial replacements for just being a @#$%ing farmer in like the seventeenth century. lol.
    I'm all for it. I do a lot of it myself. But it sucks to realize we gained so much health from sanitation and then lost it all back to toxins and cubicle life.

  2. Love Ben. If you don't "know" him he sounds pretty pompous and like you should really care about what he eats. If you get what he's trying to do, he's just trying to give a lot of detail to be as helpful as possible. It just doesn't come off that way with no introduction and at first glance.

  3. This sounds like two self-absorbed, egotistical elitists. Hope you guys get up and thank The US military for your freedom everyday. Geez man, what garbage.

  4. Dr sebi swore by sea moss! I make sea moss gel n take 2 tbs every am multi health benefits clears mucus from body !I wld recommend everyone take it!!!every morning I take 30 min when I come home from wrk (3rd shift) 10 min meditation 10min yoga /stretching /kundalini awakening ect then 10 min Bible or motivational speeches online,I call it mind body soul and it gets my day going I feel healthier mentally n physically I also meditate throughout the day listen to binaural beats theta waves ,buddhism chant radio indian flute music and even podcasts from ram dads deepak chopra and bedtime after meditation face washing teeth brushing I pray then do my aromatherapy sound machine and sip my lavender chamomile tea with ashwagandha I have a star projection in my room that helps me relax and get into the mood to lucid dream it’s all about sounds smells n taste to help me wind down n sometimes I take a walk on the wild side n smoke some herbs ,it’s all a routine 🙏🏼❤️

  5. I love Ben Greenfield and hope the both of you do more together. You are both my "go-to" for health information. Both of you are brilliant and I have learned so much from both of you. Ben is his own human experiment and he's blatantly honest and always get a rise out of him. Please do more videos for senior adults and why it takes longer to see results. Thank you Thomas. More Ben and you videos, please 🙂

  6. I’m sorry I have to say this but does anybody else think that some of this biohacking, health optimization, longevity or what ever you wanna call it can become a little toxic when taken to such extremes? Like let’s be honest, most people are struggling to get enough sleep, getting their kids out to school, working their jobs, maintaining their relationship etc.

    I am not saying that doing any of this stuff is impossible and of course we can all incorporate healthy habits in to our day despite being super busy or not making a bunch of money. However when I see guys like this who’s daily routines are completely insane in terms of how much they push the envelope of health and wellness it kind of makes me cringe.

    I mean power to this guy and awesome that he does all this stuff but it’s a little “Patrick Bateman” without the murdering lol. Love this channel and learn a lot from it but had to say this.

  7. I find Ben Greenfield to be wishy washy, at times a sellout, but most importantly, pompous and difficult to listen to. I used to be a big fan of Ben, which makes it difficult to type this, but I no longer trust or respect most of what he has to say now. Sorry Ben.

  8. Ben has just become insufferable. His life seems like a tedious and exhausting nightmare – he spends a million dollars a year on all the crazy foods and supplements and devices and magic jewelry and red lights and blublockers, and for what? He doesn’t even look healthy any more – he just looks understandably tired. There’s a lesson here, people.

  9. Love this content Thomas! Always looking for new extreme ideas. Especially for people who are dealing with long term illness who need more help/nutrition/science to get them on a healing path.

  10. This isn’t discipline, this is obsession. This guys “average day” is an example of the absolute extreme of health obsession. When measuring effort to outcome optimization, this guy can’t see the divergence point in rear view mirror. He left it long ago. I appreciate the insights he can provide but living like this would make you socially and economically isolated from the rest of the world.

  11. At 7:20, Thomas asks the treadmill guy “who long after you woke up did you have the smoothie?” …..pretty straight forward question, but this guy has been rambling on about his red lights, his meditation, etc etc, 5mins later and the freaking question STILL has not been answered. Conclusion: this treadmill guy seems like an uber quack who is full of himself. The self importance and grandiose about himself is just mindblowing. Go touch some grass

  12. I’ll start off with saying, that I’ll be more than happy to find out that I’m wrong. But this dude comes off as such a freaking quack lol, he’s always on the treadmill during most of his interviews too like please give me a break. With that being said, if he ends up living to the age of 120 or something insane; then I’ll happily eat my words. But currently I’m sorry this dude just comes off as a walking (no pun intended) definition of doing too much.

  13. Bens spends all his time not trying to die – they found that mental stress reduction is the #1 way to improve health and low body fat and exercise close second. If you go to other parts of the world – people live a LONG time while just doing the basics.

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