Business Trips… What Could Possibly Go WRONG?

00:00 Docket 02:10 Did a doctor murder his lawyer? 04:56 What Could Possibly Go WRONG? 10:31 Stephen Smith 12:29 Jury …


  1. Cozzi’s phone was on his desk, playing music, and his keys and wallet were next to his computer.🤓 Apparently, he was in the middle of answering an email on his desktop, when nature called. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Bizarro!!
    Love your channel!!

  2. I saw a news clip of Miller’s wife and children. Such a beautiful family. It just shocks me the secret lives some men live. There’s so much crime in Baton Rouge, too.

  3. Fair enough to see the Justice system as a gamble, dependent on the behavior of multiple parties, that may not do their best to stick to the rules. Not very comforting.

  4. Talking about public trials. When you mentioned Kohlberger not having cameras in the courtroom, was that for the Pa hearing? Will that be for his trial in Idaho? I’m having a argument with someone about it.😂

  5. Maybe if no one came forward it could be cause they were the ones helping the person who killed Paul and that's at the very least accessory… just saying.

  6. Sorry, Scott… but the clause to protect legislators coming and going from sessions exempts them from arrest during those times comes from the federal constitution, which means it was written INTO the US Constitution BEFORE we became officially a nation under that constitution. Many state constitutions are modeled after the federal constitution, which is why you will see the same clause at the state level. Oopsy, in your statement that this was an afterthought, and added in later. If it was written later in the federal constitution, it would be in the Bill of Rights as an amendment. It is not. It is in the US Constitution… Section 6, Paragraph 1 states: The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

  7. It's the tid-bits that help us thru the rough subjects. Had no idea about legislators being delayed by the Police to keep them from voting. Devious minds these legislators.

  8. Handsome Scott and beautiful Miss Winnie long as you keep Miss Winnie in all your commercials it's ok. Very professional although the first will always be the best with Miss Winnie pouting sitting on her little bed. Thank you. 🐕❤

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