Cannabis legalization 'odds are better' following President Biden's possession pardons: Analyst

Cannabis #marijuana #yahoofinance Stifel Cannabis Analyst Andrew Carter joins Yahoo Finance Live anchor Dave Smith to …


  1. tobacco and alcohol that cause cancer leading to death have been legal for decades!
    Not to mention nationwide US legal guns available to anyone!
    The legalization of cannabis would bring great benefits to everyone, the government would have more tax revenues and consumers would feel safer, as illegal sale on the streets is eliminated!
    Cannabis also plays an important role in the medical field, as an alternative to opiates that cause serious complications and addiction, yet cannabis is still looked down upon!
    This means that those in government do not see the benefits it brings and completely ignore the progress

  2. Look at the riots in stadiums and why because they sell beer and they are alcohol poisoned drunk and alcohol smells bad on the body mixed with sweat. But marijuanaa is illegal lol. Make planes illegal since there's people taht can use it as a weapon 😐 bunch of bs in this life if you have no clout

  3. There need to be more cannabis available to everyone and I didn't need to apprehend cop that Stone cannabis products and return the cannabis produce and cannabis kill cancer and shrink tumors and help with glaucoma and more job lower the CO2 levels and lower carbon emissions and we need to billboard houses of cannabis and more

  4. There need to be more cannabis available to everyone and I didn't need to apprehend cop that Stone cannabis products and return the cannabis produce and cannabis kill cancer and shrink tumors and help with glaucoma and more job lower the CO2 levels and lower carbon emissions and we need to billboard houses of cannabis and more

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