1. I used the delta 8, thc-o, thc-p, literally tried all that crap for a little while now, along with normal Marijuana. And I quit it cold turkey ah idk about a week ago maybe and for about the last 2 days have been miserable. I'm guessing from quitting.

    Symptoms: chills, fever, headache, not being able to sleep, loss of appetite, can't sit still, mind stays going 100mph.

    Can anyone confirm these being the Symptoms of withdrawal?

  2. Recently had a trip and I really had time to ask myself why I do the thing's that I do and how I can grow as a person so I'm taking a T-break but damn only been 3 days and these cold sweats and insomnia is kicking my butt

  3. What an idiot obviously the guy doesn’t know shit about weed. Feeling back to complete normal after 2 weeks when you have been smoking for years lol. Ive been in recovery off hard stuff for almost 12 years and let me tell you i still dont feel completely right from all those year of abuse when i was younger. This is also true for weed.

  4. Day 3: The cold/flu like symptoms have begun… my hands are sweating enough to wipe the counter down, but it is day 3, if I can do this and I don’t know how I am, so can you, I hope everyone that is trying to stop makes it through! Much love and thanks for the video supports!

  5. I wanna stop cause my tolerance is too high and I don't feel anything anymore. And the more I smoke the less desire I've been having to smoke. I just got tired of smoking and not enjoying it as much as I used to.

  6. I would say tapering down your usage would be a good start and once you hit a point where you feel comfortable at a lower dose drop it again and then when you hit a really low dose you can lengthen intervals of use from there break the routine all together

  7. I don’t know if it’s the withdrawal that does it or the brain just returning to its normal insomniatic ways. Insomnia is the main reason I began using. Ever since my teen years I can rarely sleep over 4 hours in a row, once in about 2 months I get a lucky 8-9 hours in, but normally it’s 3-6 hours, with only one night a week hitting 6. Cannabis changed that for me, 6-8 hours is my normal sleep time, usually 9-10 the night of use. The sleep effects often take three days to wear off, so I don’t use it that often. Except if I get an injury I’ll use it more frequently. I used to to heal a severely sprained ankle very quickly, and also Plantar’s Fasciitis (I had it for 8 months, it was gone about 1 month after I started using cannabis, although I was doing exercises at the same time, with cannabis came the tai chi… yeah…. I’m getting old).

  8. Hello dr I was wondering if I could ask you a question I want to quit smoking but I’m not sure if that’s the right thing for me. I haven’t really had any issues with smoking and I suffer from ADHD so I’m wondering if I should try it

  9. I’m approaching week 3 and the insomnia has well and truly peaked. I’ve cut out sugar to the mornings only (honey) and I eat no carbs after 6pm. I’m going to the gym, going for walks and even reading before bed but I literally get like 3-4 hours of sleep and then I’m up. Feeling hopeless right now

  10. You always surprise me dr, thank you for wanting to be the best you can for the patients you're caring for. I just finished a 2 week binge that was drawn out by mental dissonances and personal conflicts…. to hear these words, how you presented them as your response does a lot for me. Your videos always help dr, thank you for being such a highlight…I hope we in turn can help elevate your moral and mental well-being. Take care

  11. One month in .only down part of it all was the frist 4 days of broken up sleep and not wanting to eat and stomach issues other then that feels damn good . More coherent my energy spiked way up . Anyone looking to quite do it your life will change . Got a job that pays 55 dollars a hour . My family loves the new me . I love the new me .

  12. Hey guys I on day 3 of not smoking. And I’ve been smoking every day for the past 6 years. What I would recommend is take deep breaths to try an relax and also take it a day at a time. Also tell your self you can’t smoke or your not supposed to and try to believe it. I would panic back then she. I wouldn’t have weed so I know I was addicted. Juts keep god on your mind and let’s quit for him. Now I tell myself it’s a sin

  13. I accidentally clicked on the curser and fast forwarded the vid a couple minutes and I just hear “it doesn’t really matter how good the pee video was” 🥹😂🤣

  14. Trying so hard and when he says pace yourself he’s not lying I tried to stop smoking 8/9 blunts a day cold turkey and it didn’t work I’m down to one a day and I feel like it doesn’t do shutting for me but ease the sickness. I hate the withdraws and it feels like death but hopefully today is the day

  15. Weed is weird I stopped smoking once and it was awful my dick stopped working was depressed and empty. Was smoking 4gs a day but this time around i smoked even more (6gs a day) and stopped and had no side effects

  16. Been smoking for 17 yrs I’m 30. Biggest tip I can say to quit smoking is everyone is different be happy with small wins and don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself. Make a schedule or plan and slowly decrease use gradually!! I was a heavy heavy smoker 8-10 blunts a day cut back to 5 then 3. Now just once before bed to help relax and watch shows. Hope this helps peace and love

  17. So I recently went cold turkey on weed Nov 28 and my first month sucked ass the anxiety and withdrawals calmed down dramatically now I'm still feeling it a bit and I can bare it a little bit I've been taking anxiety relief tablets that aren't medicated and they help out SO MUCH but tbh I'm just hoping this goes away the stupid feeling do I have to wait 2 more months for me to feel normal again? Cause im literally on 1 month without it

  18. It’s 2:32 and woke up a few minutes ago to one of the most strange nightmares. Was mildly sweating.
    The past two years I smoked heavily almost daily. Joint, tried different strains, packed my bowl and did edibles.

    LOVED the high of course yet I’m ready to rediscover myself

  19. Im not quitting forever just taking a t break, ive been smoking roughly an 1/8th a day for 5 years and i can not hold down fooe without wanting to throw up at all

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