Could Kentucky medical marijuana become legal in Kentucky?

A public forum was held in Frankfort where Gov. Andy Beshear’s Cannabis Advisory Committee heard from some who say it’s …


  1. I am in recovery and as a man it's hard because people think men are strong and can handle pain well I can't take pain meds and I really need herb it helps in so many ways

  2. Its a plant it should be here in kentucky, my daughter is non verbal with serve autism she hits herself n bangs her head its hard everyday, this could help her so many autism parents have used it for there kids n its helped. The reason they dont want it here is because they dont care about us or the health of us, all they care about is money n thats in hospitals n pharmacies. I will never give my daughter pills to see if they help to many side effects compaired to a plant

  3. how much longer will the state of Kentucky, deny thousands of people, children and adults, the opportunity to use a drug which has been medically deemed to offset critical pain, seizures, ect. its time to pass medical marijuana in Kentucky. end the suffrage.

  4. By: Bill- Kentucky NEEDS TO WATCH THIS.

    Medical marijuana from dispensaries would be much safer than Street Drugs.

    Marijuana is much safer than alcohol and prescription drugs by far.

    The usage of marijuana does not lead to suicide like alcohol and other prescription medications have.

    Prescription drugs, alcohol, and hard street drugs have killed more people than marijuana just so you know!

    As a Kentuckian, I stand for medical marijuana and recreational marijuana and distributor by dispensaries of Kentucky.

    please share


  5. This governor and administration is a joke. Even though 90% of residents want it, they couldnā€™t care less. They will hold out indefinitely until their palms are greased appropriately. But the opiates, fentanyl, and crystal meth will continue to flow in this backward ass state.

  6. Also, that site I believe is fake. There's no indication anything being said is sent in so how can anything anyone has to say be heard….

  7. Even if it is a no, it's not going to prevent me or others who actually need it from medicating. People are saying no because they're looking at everyone who smokes as the stereotypes who are supporting it just to get high and not in a medical stand point. That's not right and very bias. My life has been robbed repeatedly. I didn't do anything to cause the problems I have, if anything I felt I've done everything by the book and still got screwed over. And I find it disgusting that anyone would tell me no to a frickn plant but be fine with me passed out on prescriptions because it's done "legally" so it's "morally" correct. I don't see anyone steering opioids from the menu so let's not be hypocritical. For those of us who actually need it, we don't act stupid like those you're painting us all as. We come off as normal, not addicts. We don't see things or hallucinate. And we manage our doses properly. Yes….there are responsible ppl out there. My livelihood shouldn't be messed with in this magnitude. If u don't like weed that's fine, but don't rob me of a chance at a normal life. No one is forcing you to buy it or use it. So nothing changes for you. So let us live and we are all okay. It's not that deep.

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