$50 per eighth. 128 eighths in a pound. $6,400 per pound. Huh? How is this revenue being split? WHY are Illinoisans paying SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS PER POUND??? The nationwide spot price is $1,200.
64 1/8's at 40$ is 5120$lb (32$ is good in LA). That's high for an 1/8. 32 1/4's at 60 is 3840$lb (45$ is good in LA). Prices higher than this is just some greedy as shit. Don't let em fool you, they throw out that "SUPPOSED" new strain shit to goad the public. Screw that…SFValley, Blue Dream, Wedding Cake, and a few others are just as good as the cultural misappropriated Maserati or any of those other click bait strains these like to jack up to 75$ and higher.
POSTED MARCH 07, 2011, 11:03 AM , UPDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2011, 2:28 PM

Ann MacDonald Contributor, Harvard Health
Teenagers and young adults who use marijuana may be messing with their heads in ways they don’t intend. Evidence is mounting that regular marijuana use increases the chance that a teenager will develop psychosis, a pattern of unusual thoughts or perceptions, such as believing the television is transmitting secret messages. It also increases the risk of developing schizophrenia, a disabling brain disorder that not only causes psychosis, but also problems concentrating and loss of emotional expression. In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot. Another new paper concluded that early marijuana use could actually hasten the onset of psychosis by three years. Those most at risk are youths who already have a mother, father, or sibling with schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder. Young people with a parent or sibling affected by psychosis have a roughly one in 10 chance of developing the condition themselves—even if they never smoke pot. Regular marijuana use, however, doubles their risk—to a one in five chance of becoming psychotic. In comparison, youths in families unaffected by psychosis have a 7 in 1,000 chance of developing it. If they smoke pot regularly, the risk doubles, to 14 in 1,000. For years, now, experts have been sounding the alarm about a possible link between marijuana use and psychosis. One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were six times as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers. So far, this research shows only an association between smoking pot and developing psychosis or schizophrenia later on. That’s not the same thing as saying that marijuana causes psychosis. This is how research works. Years ago, scientists first noted an association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Only later were they able to figure out exactly how cigarette smoke damaged the lungs and other parts of the body, causing cancer and other diseases. The research on marijuana and the brain is at a much earlier stage. We do know that THC, one of the active compounds in marijuana, stimulates the brain and triggers other chemical reactions that contribute to the drug’s psychological and physical effects. But it’s not clear how marijuana use might lead to psychosis. One theory is that marijuana may interfere with normal brain development during the teenage years and young adulthood. The teenage brain is still a work in progress. Between the teen years and the mid-20s, areas of the brain responsible for judgment and problem solving are still making connections with the emotional centers of the brain. Smoking marijuana may derail this process and so increase a young person’s vulnerability to psychotic thinking. (You can read more about how the adolescent brain develops in this article from the Harvard Mental Health Letter.) While the research on marijuana and the mind has not yet connected all the dots, these new studies provide one more reason to caution young people against using marijuana—especially if they have a family member affected by schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder. Although it may be a tough concept to explain to a teenager, the reward of a short-time high isn’t worth the long-term risk of psychosis or a disabling disorder like schizophrenia.
The Bill and CEO like him are total garbage. Talk about equity, social justice, and helping the impacted minorities and poor. All you see is rich lawyers and you know whews opening up these business and enslaving the users, employers, and growers. More of the same. More of the same. "they're the one's who are gonna gobble up the little guys"… because that's equity and social justice. Sad how our economy works. You sheeple want to take drugs and stay enslaved… you deserve it honestly.
Pure greed there is no way in the world you should have to pay $80 for an eighth of marijuana in Illinois pure greed
The tan bald guy has a braid mullet
Cresco carts and bud 🔥
$50 per eighth. 128 eighths in a pound. $6,400 per pound. Huh? How is this revenue being split? WHY are Illinoisans paying SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS PER POUND??? The nationwide spot price is $1,200.
Does anyone think there is something missing in it? Like it's kind of downgraded in quality compared to the illegal stuff.
yo we aint payin 300 a oz gtfoh i pay 150 to 200 tops for the same weed the only way to beat the street you have to lower your prices end of story
Well now everyone knows that Cresco weed is bunk TRASH
Ayyyy can't wait to try some fire edibles today!!!! Stop the violence and smoke more bud!!!!
illinois is broke as shit we need this hopefully they dont steal the weed money too
I remember when I was in school if you had weed you were cool now your just a guy lol 😂.
Smoking on some cresco labs gg #4 in ohio. Pretty good. The black market stuff was better than the legal stuff tho.
This law says black people cannot stand on their own two feet and need another handout from the government. Pathetic.
Lol these companies grow poor cannabis. They even sell m"popcorn" buds . low quality but call it popcorn bud to attract sells
Liar. There’s no weed in Illinois medical dispensaries right now. Fuck Illinois
We voted for 50$ – 60$ an eighth plus 15% tax instead of just decriminalizing marijuana
64 1/8's at 40$ is 5120$lb (32$ is good in LA). That's high for an 1/8. 32 1/4's at 60 is 3840$lb (45$ is good in LA). Prices higher than this is just some greedy as shit. Don't let em fool you, they throw out that "SUPPOSED" new strain shit to goad the public. Screw that…SFValley, Blue Dream, Wedding Cake, and a few others are just as good as the cultural misappropriated Maserati or any of those other click bait strains these like to jack up to 75$ and higher.
The white market, check yourself lady 😂
Wtf is that lady saying California is the biggest marijuana market in the USA 😂😂
Huge mistake to legalize recreational marijuana! We will see consequences sooner or later…
Illinois about to be loaded with money cause it’s I. The middle of the Midwest and so many states can get here so easily
Let use vote, it will be a landslide victory. Our Senators do not listen to the people, they listed to the pill pushers.
Everyone on that panel is going to contribute to those numbers everyone smokes da weed
It's slowly going our favor. It's only a matter of time until it's game on.
POSTED MARCH 07, 2011, 11:03 AM , UPDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2011, 2:28 PM

Ann MacDonald
Contributor, Harvard Health
Teenagers and young adults who use marijuana may be messing with their heads in ways they don’t intend.
Evidence is mounting that regular marijuana use increases the chance that a teenager will develop psychosis, a pattern of unusual thoughts or perceptions, such as believing the television is transmitting secret messages. It also increases the risk of developing schizophrenia, a disabling brain disorder that not only causes psychosis, but also problems concentrating and loss of emotional expression.
In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot.
Another new paper concluded that early marijuana use could actually hasten the onset of psychosis by three years. Those most at risk are youths who already have a mother, father, or sibling with schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder.
Young people with a parent or sibling affected by psychosis have a roughly one in 10 chance of developing the condition themselves—even if they never smoke pot. Regular marijuana use, however, doubles their risk—to a one in five chance of becoming psychotic.
In comparison, youths in families unaffected by psychosis have a 7 in 1,000 chance of developing it. If they smoke pot regularly, the risk doubles, to 14 in 1,000.
For years, now, experts have been sounding the alarm about a possible link between marijuana use and psychosis. One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were six times as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers.
So far, this research shows only an association between smoking pot and developing psychosis or schizophrenia later on. That’s not the same thing as saying that marijuana causes psychosis.
This is how research works. Years ago, scientists first noted an association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Only later were they able to figure out exactly how cigarette smoke damaged the lungs and other parts of the body, causing cancer and other diseases.
The research on marijuana and the brain is at a much earlier stage. We do know that THC, one of the active compounds in marijuana, stimulates the brain and triggers other chemical reactions that contribute to the drug’s psychological and physical effects.
But it’s not clear how marijuana use might lead to psychosis. One theory is that marijuana may interfere with normal brain development during the teenage years and young adulthood.
The teenage brain is still a work in progress. Between the teen years and the mid-20s, areas of the brain responsible for judgment and problem solving are still making connections with the emotional centers of the brain. Smoking marijuana may derail this process and so increase a young person’s vulnerability to psychotic thinking. (You can read more about how the adolescent brain develops in this article from the Harvard Mental Health Letter.)
While the research on marijuana and the mind has not yet connected all the dots, these new studies provide one more reason to caution young people against using marijuana—especially if they have a family member affected by schizophrenia or some other psychotic disorder. Although it may be a tough concept to explain to a teenager, the reward of a short-time high isn’t worth the long-term risk of psychosis or a disabling disorder like schizophrenia.
The Bill and CEO like him are total garbage. Talk about equity, social justice, and helping the impacted minorities and poor. All you see is rich lawyers and you know whews opening up these business and enslaving the users, employers, and growers. More of the same. More of the same. "they're the one's who are gonna gobble up the little guys"… because that's equity and social justice. Sad how our economy works. You sheeple want to take drugs and stay enslaved… you deserve it honestly.
Damn I wish I could have bought stocks and bonds on Funyuns
I tried cresco weed, it was garbage. Tasted like old Mexican dirt weed.
I'm so excited to smoke and make videos. I have another channel, it's MakeUp & 420 . I will be discussing and reviewing marijuana.
He’s getting arrested for money laundering