FULL EPISODE: In The Courts Marijuana Special – Maryland's ballot initiative; laws across the DMV

Just weeks after President Biden pardoned marijuana-related sentences, Maryland voters will either legalize recreational …


  1. tobacco and alcohol that cause cancer leading to death have been legal for decades!
    Not to mention nationwide US legal guns available to anyone!
    The legalization of cannabis would bring great benefits to everyone, the government would have more tax revenues and consumers would feel safer, as illegal sale on the streets is eliminated!
    Cannabis also plays an important role in the medical field, as an alternative to opiates that cause serious complications and addiction, yet cannabis is still looked down upon!
    This means that those in government do not see the benefits it brings and completely ignore the progres

  2. If black people make up %14 of the population and white people make up 60% of the population I’d like to see the data that actually shows that black people are falsely arrested, prosecuted and convicted that seems like a lot of people in the justice system working together against black people ? I doubt it . If you’re going to legalize cannabis then ask a pot head about the affects of cannabis? Stop using the lame idea that social justice is the real reason for legalization when in fact it’s huge financial gains for government. My recreational cannabis store pays 45% in taxes to my state and then I pay income tax to the federal government. There’s a ton of real reasons we should legalize cannabis rather than makeup a fake social justice problem.

  3. whats crazy is I can go anywhere and buy cigarettes that will kill me. drunk people driving kill thousands and alcohol destroys millions of lives never seen two stoners try to kill one another like 2 drunks. go figure. meanwhile gangs ship containers full of cocaine, heroin, meth and fentanyl across our borders and so much time and money is spent trying to control weed.

  4. They should ban alcohol then, 10 times more people die from alcohol use than cannabis, zero people have died from a cannabis overdoses, and 140,000 per year from alcohol


    I got out my pipe stuffed it with pot

    You better believe it held a whole lot.

    I whipped out a lighter thumbed up a flame

    Sucked down that smoke which comforts my brain.

    I tried alcohol smoked cigarettes

    They did nothing but give me regrets.

    My mom had arthritis could not walk around

    I rolled her a joint she danced on the ground.

    I thought I was losing my lovemaking knack

    After I smoked some to me it came back.

    Soon I decided prices were high

    I searched for some ground I wouldn't have to buy.

    I bargained for seeds from smokers all around

    Got in my truck and drove out of town.

    I walked through the woods where wild birds nest

    Found me the meadow I thought was the best.

    I dug up the ground sowed all my seeds

    Said a small prayer for strong, healthy weeds.

    I watered at night with a five-gallon pail

    Mosquitoes went hungry for I wore a veil.

    Seven months went by; I thought I would die

    Till the Halloween moon was high in the sky.

    At night I went out, in a camouflage suit

    Used my corn knife to chop down the loot.

    I hung it up to dry where it couldn’t be found.

    Came back and got it, when it had turned brown.

    I trimmed off the buds, stuffed them in bags

    Called all my friends and passed out free drags.

    In less than a week my crop was gone

    I flew to St. Thomas with a love hungry blonde!!

    By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart

    Google = Most Published Poet On The Web

    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!

  6. Why not ask the public🤔 we are the consumers we are the ones that's going to buy it to use it for health and aches and pain👍 I'm ready to try about anything to stop this pain in my foot and legs and knees the stinging and burning and stabbing pain sometime I can't even sleep at night have to stay up all night rubbing it and soaking my feet, pain pills don't help it🤔👎 I don't want a high dose anyway cuz I'm allergic to everything I can't even put nothing in my mouth without me breaking out👎 I want to know if it's legal in Texas 😃 but I know that stuff is high they sell the gummies them things like 60s bucks for a few gummies👎 I think it's really not right to be locking people up for 6 months is too long to be locked up you lose your house your car and everything else you got😐

  7. Legalize cannabis federally nationwide now. Within each and every state, the law of the land. Treat relatively benign cannabis exactly like we currently treat far more dangerous and deadly alcohol. Perfectly legal in all states. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians will no longer be able to intentionally obstruct, stall, and delay cannabis legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans.

  8. This was a very good story! I like how certain concerns were brought up here that are rarely brought up, however I would recommend asking more questions in the next video about those previously convicted for weed crimes e.g. are dispensaries hiring these people or pushing them out of the way in the market, are the same people who are concerned about teen marijuana usage also worried about teen drinking/popping opiates, will people negatively affected by unjust marijuana laws also receive some assistance getting their lives back from the marijuana tax sales or will they be forgotten about?

  9. Most Drug Dealers are Gangs and Gangs will use the Money to Hurt and Murder and to Run there Criminal Gangs That's where the Problem Lays When Gangs That Run There Crimes with Money Made from Sell of Weed. The Bullets and illegal Guns bought with Weed Profits Still Kill the Same way when Gangs and Criminals that Profit from Selling Weed. They need to be Very Very Very Very Careful When Releasing Criminals and I and We with Brains know they won't be Careful they will be Releasing Very Bad Criminals and Gang Members Based on and When they are Black, Brown and Not on are they a Harden Criminal a Gang Member Done Other Felony Crimes and Locking up People that are not Black and Brown Reverse Racism is Still Racism it just Racism on Whites and Giving Black's and Brown's a Get out of Prison Free Card. This is Common Sense.

  10. Weed is one thing but The Problem is Most Drug Dealers Don't Deal just Weed they Deal hard Drugs and they Mix Hard Drugs into the Weed That's the Problem.

  11. One does not need the government ok'ed stores to collect taxes where prices are way over priced if you can grow a tomato or corn in your garden most can grow hemp cbd or pot with thc in your garden vote for freedom stand up for your God given Rights

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