Healing Miracles of Black Seed Oil with Dr. Mandell (Live Chat Stream)



  1. We use black seed in everyday cooking. This is very important part of Indian kitchen . tumeric, black cumin seed, ginger, fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds… We eat them regularly in our meals…

  2. Thanks Doctor for your wonderful presentation. In Islam it is said that black seed oil can cure every disease except death.
    I take 1 table spoon black seed powder with some yogurt every night after
    my dinner.
    It has helped my arthritis,my blood pressure, heart heath,it helped as anti-aging. Iam 58years old.there is no rinkle and I've no white hair in my head..And many more.

  3. I put ground black seed oil into capsules and gave it to my father in law when he was super sick with co-vd. He had the most awful cough, fever, lethargy and head been in bed for 2 weeks he was ready to go to the hospital. This was at the height of it all and going to the hospitals at this point sounded like a death sentence. 2 days after implementing the black seed capsules he was sitting up in bed. Mind you I had started giving him a regimen of the usual natural remedies for it about 5 days before hand. It was like night and day once we gave him it. Just had to say.
    I also use the oil on my skin when inflamed. I recently needed to chop down my raspberries and blackberry my hand got really tore up even with gloves so I rubbed some oil on b4 bed the next day felt much better did it thee nights in a row, on the second day any splinters I had were being pushed out. By day 4 hands felt fine and cuts were all about gone.

  4. Our muslim prophet muhamad peace mercy and pkeasing be upon him tall us about 1444 yrs ago black seed is cure all deseases except death so all muslims are knew the real benefits of black seed

  5. Dr. Mandell (or anyone) please clarify how to take the oil internally. Eat some food (toast) first then swallow the oil … or on an empty stomach, then eat? Thank you for all you do!!!

  6. In more than 5000 year old Indian ayurveda healing system, balck seed oil is used in scalp along with coconut oil, indian gooseberry oil mixed and it stops hair fall, and hair greying.

  7. I have a bottle of black seed oil but there are no instructions on how much or how to apply it. Is there a place to go to find out this info? I'm not sure if I should take a spoon full or a drop from a dropper.

  8. I am new to your channel and a subscriber The Cold press black seed oil i use has 3000mg Thymo Quinone and Nicgella Sativa ~ I love your inner G Keep up the Great Works bringing people into Alignment with great Health 🥰

  9. Diabetul cu insulina .Va rog o perspectiva din partea domniei voastre m ar bucura nu sunt cunoscatoare a limbii engleze decat foarte putin.Inteleg ca este vorba despre uleiul de chimen negru eu asa il stiu.Multumesc!

  10. Help me please dr. Mandell. How to heal intestinal areas and usages of testosterone, if needed. I am completely hormonally empty. What is the best medicine naturally used you suggest. I would appreciate it. My dr. A specialist from urology. Had canceled my treatments because I am poor and can't pay his fees. He is exaggerated expensive.

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