Hemp is the Key to The Future | Kyle Oliveira | TEDxBryantU

This talk primarily focuses on how hemp is a better alternative to traditional methods of making clothing. Additionally, it revolves …


  1. My brother bought some hemp tshirts. He said at first they were a little scratchy but they soften and wash up exceptionally well. After countless washes they still look like new. So it's clearly a great option for clothes, cotton especially the cheap stuff wears out very fast

  2. I think his speech is clear to understand and I know that talking in front of hundred of people is so hard he did his best. But why ‘some’ people always judge others in negative comments that’s so mean and I don’t know that if they have ever tried to make a speech on the stage already^^. Why you don’t just focus on his talk what he want to inform us that’s the point. He did his best.

  3. This guy needs to relax. When you speak the truth and just tell people the facts… They will connect.
    Trying to memorize lines and jokes will only make us feel sorry for him. I mean… I was going to turn it off until I decided to critic his performance.
    My way is to come out like you know know nothing about this and teach you about the product and it's abilities. And he needs to stop with the slow gangsta.

  4. I have been showing that THC heals brains so CARBON CAPTURE could be done, so why is the FEDERAL government so AFRAID ?
    I have been trying to tell the world that THC has been reconnecting my ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM that is healing my 5.5 brain injury. Words means nothing so GOD told me to give this;
    There is a very special temper with no 'oxygen' at 3500F for 100 hours that TRANSITIONS. Copper melts at 1800F. ZINC will give off poison fumes.
    I do this to 'prove' that THC has been healing my 5.5 brain injury.
    ~ ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM ~ look it up ~
    There are 'shells' that are around ATOMS that a special 'boil' shatters, creating 50 more atoms. In nature it was QUARTS that melted covering metals absorbing shattered 'shells' that created GARNETS / SAPPHIRES. ~ Quarts is a TRANSITIONAL crystal.

  5. Creds to TED talkers. I hate public speaking

    But you know. In this video. This topic is so interesting. I dont focus on him. Only what he is saying. When you talk you feel all eyes on you. But instead remember that people often listen because they are interested in what u are saying

  6. I don't think anyone can understand why I have been pushing so hard about THC restoring my brain injury. You have to understand I wrecked doing 120 MPH. I had a 5.5 brain injury and this is still the worst to date in MONTANA to survive through. This was on 08-30-2008.
    I had no 'thoughts' go through my mind. I started out observing nurses when I woke from my coma to 'understand' people. Then once home and tried cannabis it got my THOUGHT PROCESS going right away in one bowl. That is when I understood why I was returned from 'death' for.
    I can't express how frustrating it is having to PROTECT yourself from your own government because THC is restoring your BRAIN INJURY.
    LET IT BE KNOWN; FEDERAL agent at CenturyLink4347 if you can 'kill' my computer then you can 'kill' me !
    Because of how bad I was and how fast and well THC got my THOUGHT PROCESS going again I will never stop telling.
    I wrecked my Harley not wearing my helmet that stopped my heart 3 times, crushed my chest breaking all my ribs multiple times puncturing both lungs, put me into an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life. Once returning home I tried having my doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves THC restores brain injuries. This upset me so much that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and went to the gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA showing JB how copper transitioned into gold. This got me kicked out and he told 'city council' that I am making FOOLS GOLD from copper pass tests. Boiling water proves that 'heat' excites MOLECULES allowing ATOMS to escape. This is how copper transitions into GOLD and nickel into PLATINUM. Earth must be restored by growing HEMP world wide.— ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM —
    Copper is 179 atoms and melts at around 1400F to 1800F.. You must bring it to a 'boil' that will be at 3500F but the 'oxygen' atom must never make contact or will explode burning on contact. In 72 to 100 hours, 100 atoms will boil out and melted BORAX will absorb them leaving 79 atoms that is GOLD.


    I am the CREATORS 'healing' warrior.

    I came forwards with how GOLD and PLATINUM were created to 'prove' my brain injury is being restored with THC so earth can be restored by growing HEMP.

    How else could a 5.5 TBI patient do this ?

    Growing HEMP will restore the 'soil', will restore the 'atmosphere'.

    Will create BIO-DEGRADABLE plastics.


    This is the only way I can get this message out; HEMP plastics is the future for earth.


    I wrecked my Harley not wearing my helmet that stopped my heart 3 times, crushed my chest breaking all my ribs multiple times puncturing both lungs, put me into an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life. Once returning home I tried having my doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves THC restores brain injuries.

    This upset me so much that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and went to the gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA showing JB how copper transitioned into gold. This got me kicked out and he told 'city council' that I am making FOOLS GOLD from copper pass tests

    Boiling water proves that 'heat' excites MOLECULES allowing ATOMS to escape.

    This is how copper transitions into GOLD and nickel into PLATINUM.

    Earth must be restored by growing HEMP world wide.


  8. They unnecessarily ruined our world because of greed. How messed up is that.
    Those people should be in jail and all their products need to be boycotted.

  9. i used to think public speaking was easy (i mean how hard can it be to get up there and say what you want to say) but then i took a class on public speaking and learned how nerve wracking it can be so props to this guy for getting up there and presenting us with this amazing and interesting ideas.

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