How to give liquid medication to a cat

How to give liquid meds to a cat is one of my most frequently asked questions. You can also look at my “How to give a cat a pill” …


  1. My cat Ischa is on a small dose of antibiotic that is pink but she is a runner and refused to cooperate for giving her this twice a day. 🙁 need help and it does help what you showed me thanks so much.

  2. I wish you were my cats veterinarian. But I live in Illinois. Too far away. Thanks for your videos! One of my cats is having urinary tract issues. I need to medicate him and it makes me very uneasy.

  3. I was having such a hard time with my cat, then I found this video and I'm gonna be honest… I scoffed at first cause I thought "just like that, huh?", no way does that work. But I popped her on the table anyway, cat position, sweep whiskers, upper lip and poof! Literally just like that. Thank you so much!! It really was so easy

  4. the thing is, in the vet or in a strange room with strange people, the cats get all cooperative becuase they are scared,,, while in their habitat is a whole other thing hehe,,, i

  5. How do you keep them still without scratching your arms up? Mine won't even sit on a table against his will like yours. I grab his face – he thinks I'm trying to kill him.

  6. Im watching this coz i need to give a liquid antibiotic to my cat and this is the first time.. He did that foaming in his mouth and i was in panic.. Hope i can do this and not gonna get a bite ㅠㅠ

  7. Thanks so much for this video! I have an elderly cat (he's 16) and have to give him a lot of meds right now. It's been stressful! so many vids say to wrap him in a blanket, etc. and that just doesn't work for my boy. This method works so much better! quick, less hurt, less guilt (on my part, for the hurt.) I appreciate your explanations and the sound of your voice which helped to calm me down (somehow a super-peppy vet tech chirping at me about wrapping my cat in a blanket to give him meds made me SOOOO VERY NERVOUS! IMO lots of people don't realize the sound of their voice can have an effect that is less than desirable.) calm, cool, and with knowledge works! thanks again!

  8. Thank you for this video. I adopted a senior cat about a month ago and the vet gave me liquid joint medication to give my cat orally once a day to heal the tissue and minimize the pain. I watched your video, did it the first time today and it was a success!

  9. It is not as easy as you are showing us, I knew all your explanations, but the cat won’t let me, as simple as that. He’s strong and he just doesn’t want it.

  10. I’m dealing with an anxious angro cat lol. We adore him but we are having a really hard time giving him liquid antibiotics. We will def try it this way but it’s been so hard. He also had 4 teeth pulled so we don’t want to hurt him at all. I just hope he gets better. Love your videos.

  11. You sure take your time explaining…………….thank you! Just did it and my cat didn't freak out or bite me for the first time since I started medicating him! Gracias Doctor!

  12. I literally just gave our cat some liquid meds and she was drooling and foaming from the mouth, running around the bedroom like a lunatic. Immediately afterwards I did a Youtube search on "cat mouth foaming after medication". I put off watching this video cause it was over 11 minutes long (I suffer from a short attention span). Then I watched it… all of it. Great video. You are gifted with a pleasant energy that makes your videos informative and fun to watch. I'm gonna subscribe to this channel. Might even have to get a Squish That Cat t-shirt.

  13. Hello, we have designed and made a handbag, which is very similar to your pet, almost indistinguishable. May I mail it to you and ask you to make a video for us?
    You can go to my channel to see how it looks. It really looks like your cat.

  14. Thank you. My cat had a surgery for a tumor and I have to give her Augmentin in liquid form. Thank you so much I managed to give it to her with your method

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