How to Naturally Stop Your Dog from Itching: Livestream with Rachel Fusaro and Dr Jones

Dr Jones’ Free Book… Do you have a dog with Allergies? Some of what we covered in today’s …


  1. Thank you for another video! I love learning from easy to understand videos. I have a young, indoor only male cat. He's presenting with skin issues. Vet thinks it's probably allergies after ruling out fleas and mites. Are any of these remedies good for cat?

  2. A BIG SHOUT OUT to Dr. Jones. We trusted our Vet when he prescribed Apoquel until we found out what this drug can do to animals. Dr. Jones has helped via his expertise on allergies (environmental) in our dog. We purchased Dr. Jones Ultimate Omega 3, the Krill Oil, and he gets 1,000 mg of this daily according to his weight. We also combine this with the brand called New Roots Sterols and Sterolins Cholesterol with Organic Flexseed that Dr. Jones also recommended as a try. His itching has tremendously subsided!!! I purchased another supplement that is on the way to us. Thank you SO much, Dr. Jones! Now, can someone PLEASE recommend an affordable dog kibble for those of us who can't for many reasons afford prepared raw food or even able to do at home. Thanks both of you!

  3. My 12 yr old min dachshund, has been on apaquel for 8 yrs. My vet just told me it causes cancer. I have been giving him only half every 3 days, kind of weening him off. I do give him broccoli, carrots, whatever good foods he is allowed to eat. He isn't scratching much, although his tail, and lower back is bald. His breath is horrible. I don't know what to do. I will get licorice root

  4. Benadryl was helpful for my dog. She was extremely itchy, her skin was bright pink, and paws lost a lot of fur. Benadryl helped us manage, and now she is only taking vitamins and like krill or fish oil. I think it was a seasonal allergy or adopy from about Sept- Feb28. We did a short stint of Prednisone just to get her more comfortable. I stopped prednisone after first frost and she was still itchy for weeks, but 5 months later she is back to her old self, hardly itches anymore. We did try Quercetin, did not notice any improvement. Also gave her Natural Factors acidophilus Bifidus – used almost a bottle. for quite a while, did not observe much of a difference. But these supplements may have helped collectively.

  5. I first of all don't trust most vets out there second of all I have a lot of dogs and not a lot of budget this doctor has been an absolute Lifesaver for me including getting my girl through pyometra via home remedies! She sadly passed away soon after due to a cancerous mass but he has gotten me through some very stressful times when I was so desperate for help.

  6. Dr Jones I would love to hear your thoughts on flea medications for diabetic dogs. Bella is highly allergic to fleas however with compromised immune system Im concerned about the side effects. Nexguard especially. Thank you!!!

  7. Thank you both so much for caring and educating with natural remedies! My Shih tzu has had chronic itching for several years. I cook her food and totally stopped steroids for her health. This was very helpful and informative!

  8. Perfect timing haha … where I live pollen is off the charts … overnight my dog started itching…. I carefully checked for fleas .. NO fleas!!… I carefully checked again and again with metal fine tooth comb… nothing …. rubbed her down w hard pressed pure COCONUT oil … she's happy NOW.

  9. Love some Dr Jones time 💞 this comment is so way out there against the grain… heart worm treatment. Have you researched the alternatives treatment with dark beer(flat!) brewed in Dublin?

  10. My dog has been on a raw food diet since shortly after we rescued her. There just wasn't a kibble on the market that wasn't giving her either diarrhea or room clearing gas. It was that bad.
    I have been adding 1000mg of omega3 fish oil. But recently, her breath is really bad. Fishy smell or just foul. Yet her teeth look good and clean. I know she has environmental allergies and some yeast issues that we're working on. I've cut back on the fish oil to a couple times per week instead of nightly to see if that helps with her breath. I'm just hoping it's not something more serious. I may add an "allergy chew" that includes quercetin to see if that helps.

  11. To many vaccinations this days , compare 20 years ago …..maybe that’s why our pets are so sick today. I never heard a wolf or wild cat to suffer from allergies .

  12. How does one link ear infection to allergy? My cat seems to have issues with yeast in her ear ….any tips for this…? They eat dry food…they tend to not eat the wet food…perhaps i need to make their food too? This talk seems geared to dogs mainly

  13. I went to 3 vets and all they did was subscribe high doses of steroids! I gave up on vets. My Border Collie is sticking his whole foot and part of his leg in his mouth and chewing on it! I have given up on vets.

  14. Dr. Jones, I really appreciate your suggestions for holistic care for our animals. I have been able to help my dog with his allergies with you advice. I have him on Aller Free by only natural pet, grain free diet, fish oil, and a probiotic every other day, and adding raw frozen dog food. He has a residual hot spot on his chest that is clearing and hair returning after I started using castor oil topically on it.

  15. Our Japanese chin came home with us when he was 11 weeks old. From the beginning he and our king Charles cavalier ate a very expensive food , our vet sold that very brand in her practice. Throughout Yoshi's years his skin was so red and he started scratching. . Talked to the vet and pet stores asking what can I do . Spent hundreds on products to help. NOT. My sister has 3 dogs and she used a Walmart brand. She called me telling me that my expensive dog food had been recalled 12 times. I had yoshi into the vet for a visit and there was a new partner who noticed how red his skin was ,I said is it allergies. He said never seen skin so red I called the company to get answers. I got off the phone threw every commercial dog product out. Yoshi was 8. It took two weeks for his skin to turn a beautiful pink his teeth were whiter and no scratching. Much happier puppy. My mom growing up fed our dogs what we ate. They lived past 20. Yoshi eats fresh veggies and an assortment of meats . His most favorite is lamb. So many good homemade dog food on you tube . I've been watching Dr. Jones for years. Yoshi just turned 12 on Nov 10 /22. He is our last furbaby. Thank you

  16. Thank you so much Dr. Jones, this is my favourite topic!!.I been watching all your videos and i learn a lot of thing from you. TQ so much. I have a Poodle she is suffering with skin allergies. I been trying many kind of foods, meds all not working. I even change her diet , she now eat home cook food with bake fish ( white sniper fish ), 5 ,6 type of vegetables, brown rice. She can't eat meat like chicken, pork, beef, salmon.,If she eat this 4 kind of meat her skin will become itchy and red blister start to form on her skin and she will bite her paws. But lately i went to the vet near me, the doctor recommended me this CY TOPOINT and he said for those dog who suffer from environmental allergies .With this injaction it can last for 1 month to see or make sure that your dog really has this environmental allergic or not. So far it already been 2 weeks and my dog allergies is gone BUT when i try to give her some meat to eat and her body start to have this red blister back. Now i'm confused , is my dog environmental allergic or food allergic??? Is she allergic to meat protein?? I can't effort to give her the CY TOPOINT every month because is not cheap.( RM 370 ) At home i don't use chemical to clean my floor and i use steam mop to clean my floor everyday. Is this CY TOPOINT ok ? I'm really appreciate that if Dr. Jones can help me. Thank you!

  17. ive been watching Dr Jones you tube videos lately and getting things he recommends to try for my dogs allergies and infections. theycare really so helpful

  18. Excellent! Excellent!!! Thank you so much for all the information that you so willingly shared with us Dr Jones. You are so much appreciated and highly respected by so many pet parents! I've learned so much from you as I'm sure many have. Thank you.

  19. I appreciate both of you and I have been following Dr Jones for almost 3 yrs now. He has helped me with my cat by helping me learn what to feed and how to care for him. I have my cat on Dr Jones cat supplement for over 2 yrs now and he will be 12 soon and still acts like a younger cat. So I say THANK YOU DR JONES FOR ALL YOU DO FOR OUR FURRY PETS. and I hope to learn more with this lady as well. God bless you both.

  20. Great interview.. I follow you both .. over 40 years as an Animal Communicator helping people both here in the US and internationally I was blessed to be able to work at the very first holistic clinic in Los Angeles years ago… And with this weekend being the time change here in the United States I’m always asking my clients if they are just using tapwater or doing better with some kind of filtered or bottled water so important.. another thing we can do easily to help with all their body systems hopefully you agree .. many blessings to you both👏👏

  21. Blessings and just wondering great info once mo again lol 😂 Dr Jones. I thought rice and certain veggies was not good for dogs and any suggestions for my dogo went sensitive stomach and something to clean her back teeth God Bless

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