1. I use Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect nutrients with Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag extra. Works just fine. I love how the level of PH stays close to 6-6.3 and I don't have to check it. Day 27 after the seed popped up, girls look massive after some nice LST. I recommend PH Perfect series to everyone, and use Air pot / fabric pot's with CO2 bags.

  2. We use cal/mag in tap water nute feed at 10ml/10L as the regular dose. Up to 20ml/10L and bump up pH at first signs of deficiency. RO water would run at 20ml/10L or more as standard. Often it seems strain dependent, some preferring higher or lower cal/mag for some reason

  3. I made my own cal mag recipe but have no idea on the measurements I should use considering it is not a very potent strength and has been diluted with water (crushed/baked egg shells, Epsom salt, 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water) in a 2L bottle.

    I know vinegar is very high in acid and I don't want to kill my babies, have I diluted it enough???

  4. Only 2 reasons you would use Calmag,

    1 to treat a deficiency

    2 to mix with RO water to bring ec to 0.4. This is added after 10 % of your water os declorinated tap water.

    Other than these 2 things ypur nutrients will have enough cal and mag for your grow.

    Dont be listening to these channels they will have you all confused and trying new stuff all the time because one channel says one thing and another channels will say another.

    Good luck

  5. Two tips that as a lifetime coco coir grower I've found have helped me immensely and ensure healthy growth/bloom every time.

    1. Soak/buffer your coco before you transplant your seedling in. Cannot stress how important this is. I use a bin with 30L or so of calmag mixed as per the manufacturers recommendation and soak it for 24 hours. Give it a thorough rinse with 9L or so of more calmag just to remove any build up and you're good to transplant.

    2. If you find you didn't soak it long enough or calmag deficiencies are starting to show, you can use it as a foliar spray in the morning and evening to rapidly address the deficiency.

    Happy growing!

  6. So forgot to flip girls are higher as my 5×5 tent light cant go any higher because of where i live yellowing starting to show up with try some calmag now see if it cheerrs then up with 3ml per gallon

  7. So I have yellowing leaves. I started with 5ml/gal. How often should I be feeding them the cal-mag after it's initial dose should I drop it to 1ml/gal every time after this

  8. Thank you this is really helpful, no one presents deficiencies that way when it comes to figuring out the problem is cal-mag, but this looks like my deficiencies exactly. crispy leaves that seem like underwatering but in humid soil, burnt tips that looks like the plant is dying, I just got my coco a and b today gonna see if it brings them back to health for sure 😀 I'm using a mix of light soil mix and coco coir, i amended it with some organic nutrients and worm castings, but i feel cal mag is the one missing ingredient for a perfect ecosystem.

  9. If using RO, I bring my ppms to 150-200 (500 scale) then add nutes. From clone to flush. I had so many issues prior to using calmag. Just watch the nitrogen level of any calmag you buy. Try to find 1-0-0. That’s what worked…for me using high pressure arroponics

  10. I use NPK industries cal-mag and it calls for 1/16-1/8 per gallon of water. I am dealing with a cal-mag deficient grow using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. It's frustrating the sh@t outta me. I'm still a novice but have had successful grows in the past using NPK Raw nutrients. Genetics and plants with tap roots are far easier to grow than clones in my opinion. I've only had nute deficient grows from cloned plants.

  11. I tell ya what, for a plant that is supposed to be sooooo resilient, they sure as fuck are super finicky. Basically do anything wrong and they're fucking dead

  12. Autoflower, Soil: So I water (tap after 48 hours) 2 quart per 5 gallon soil every other day. I was told to stop using: (cal_mag 2ml/micro 2/grow 1/bloom 3) Per gallon. I started a week ago because of yellowing/spotting/drying leaves. So I increased ph watering at 7ph, but runoff is still around 4ph after one week. When I test for runoff I add more water into the soil about 15 min after the first 2 quart using a clean bucket. I notice that the runoff looks almost dark yellow (like tea). Then I take that water into a cup and test which it shows at 4ph (way too low!!!). I look this up and some say to use: Dolomitic Lime 6 teaspoons per gallon. I look up Dolomitic Lime and that only comes in "Pulverized Dolomitic Lime" which is hard to dissolve in water? Showing pictures is not going to do anything because the plants are like I mentioned: Yellow/spotting/drying, all this started during flowering. Flowering started about 3 weeks ago with no sign of budding. Should I increase the calmag to 5 ml per gallon and only use that in the water, making sure that ph is around 7? Please help. Thank You!

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