Incredible Power of Keto Diet for Mental Health with Jan Ellison Baszucki

The powerful impact a Keto Diet can have on mental health conditions, with President of the Baszucki Group, Jan Ellison Baszucki …


  1. Keto is "practical, affordable, it exists now, it's safe. Why wouldn't we try it?". The future of mental health therapies is getting brighter, thanks to Jan and her Baszucki Group foundation and Metabolic Mind work.

  2. So interesting. I’d not heard about March being a peak period for mental health issues, and if it’s normalised by LCHF/keto then I wonder if eating in season is key here. Spring would produce very few starchy vegetables and barely any fruit.

  3. This podcast blew my mind. This information is so IMPORTANT and could very well be lifesaving for millions of people who suffer from mental illness and mental health problems. People need to know that there is another option than medication and side effects. Thank you for sharing this information.

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