‘It’s just lunacy’: ‘No consultation’ for businesses around Melbourne CBD injecting room

Doherty’s Gym Owner Tony Doherty says there has been “no consultation” with any of the businesses surrounding the planned …


  1. Agreed the "safe for the whole family apart from heart attacks vaccine" needs to be administered by a registered health practitioner pref ably in Maccers or Bunnings, (get freebies there),

  2. Remember that the Chairman needed votes to push through more of his draconian Legislation so who would you suck up to to be sure you will have the numbers????? Consultation, that word isn't in Chairman Dan's dictionary.

  3. if the government promotes a "safe injection room ". Shouldn't it be reasonable that my employer should be required to provide a safe injecting facility? if a whacked-out injection room client wanders on to a busy road causing someone to veer into an accident in their car, who gets fined who potentially ends up in court or jail? The wacked out dude has walked off and you're sitting in a crashed-up car. I thought possession of drugs was illegal. I thought being under the influence of drugs was illegal. What is happening? I think the next step should be designated drink driving roads, drink drivers are currently being discriminated against. Please someone run the country i love properly.

  4. What a mental asylum, u can go inject ice n heroine in a gov sponsored room. But if u smoke a bong in yr car, yr a criminal and threat to public safety.. Insane laws

  5. It's Teflon Dan yet again another area hit with progressive Drug peddling Labor Government now supplying Ice and Heroin .. . we already have Homeless Drug addicts living in every doorway needles and feces on the Streets Seattle, Los Angeles here comes Melbourne's Skid row.. all thanks to elected Drug advocates gaining a foot hold plus voting with Labor on other Bills in Victorian Parliament

  6. Melbourne city is already dying. Garbage everywhere, homeless encampments, potholes in every road, anti-social behaviour everywhere. Dan Andrews, Melbourne's own Lori Lightfoot,

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