1. As I listen to this pro-weed guy make his argument, I hate how he tries to argue. He is just using hearsay and making benign points to try to discredit the other dude.

  2. I don't think he was trying it to disrespect anyone at all. He actually had a good point. There's a difference in whether the number of suicides has increased as a whole or if the number of suicide cases increased due to social media? Just because there's more cases related to the use of social media doesn't mean that the number of suicides per year as a whole has increased. It honestly kind of threw me off when Joe of all people automatically got so defensive and tried flipping it on the guy trying to really make him look like a piece of shit for the sole reason that one of his statements was followed with a question and decided to take it super personal

  3. Another thing, and yes I'm still bombarding this comment section, but mental health has also just now started to come out of the taboo stage in literally the last few years. The increased number of mental health symptoms could likely be that more people are coming forward and reporting it. There was a huge jump in the percentage of mental health problems between 2008 and when this video came out alone

  4. This whole video is giving me a headache. They are all basically arguing over inconclusive statistics and the statement he made that the number of cases recorded of schizophrenia has increased since 1995 is also an inconclusive statistic because they even said themselves that there hasn't been any case study done to pinpoint and exact margin of diagnosis and also drugs that are bought off the street and even from the pharmacy have changed tenfold since the '90s and that is a huge factor to calculate in as well. As I said there's So many factors that have to be considered when performing these case studies. So again, I love Joe Rogan but this is a video of three people arguing which one of their wrong answers is the right wrong answer lmao

  5. I know I'm hella late to this video lol
    But I wanted to point out that so many people tend to get schizophrenia and drug induced psychosis mixed up or basically say they are one in the same. There is a huge difference. Also, ANY of the studies mentioned above that were done with recreational marijuana off the streets is automatically omitted in my book. There's an astounding different factors that come into play when you use something you're not even able to determine the level of milligrams they consumed. That alone is enough to throw off the results. Especially, since you can't have a control subject whatsoever when using this method. You would think world renowned scientist would know that

  6. I did a 20 mg gummy last night while I was at a restaurant. First time in months. I drank some wine to tame the animal but I was high as hell. Those things don't play around.

  7. i know this is old but the REAL PROBLEM is opiates and there's been a huge spike in Opiate/Heroin/Fentanyl use since the 90s as well. Which leads to MAJOR suicidal thoughts and depression when going thru withdrawals. This guy who wrote this book is an idiot.

  8. I am consistently amazed at the results against epilepsy, Parkinson's, alzheimers, depression, anxiety. And it can be grown myself, the Pharmaceutical companies just hate that

  9. I think hybrids should be researched for a multitude of uses from anxiety, antidepression, pain. Work on the delivery method, strength, dosage. 6 am to 420.

  10. This alex dude is so quick to agree with statistics and studies until it impacts his point of view then all of a sudden "we have bad heathcare in this country" 😂

  11. Well the brother of a friend o mine committed suicide because he got back on weed.
    My wife has Bdp and when she smokes, she develops psychosis and that's why her"psychiatrist" told me whenever you spot her smoking you got to tell me right away
    This is real life fellas. I have anxiety disorder and after a certain amount of smoking might develop extreme anxiety and even panic attacks.

  12. Being afraid of going to jail for life, for a joint causes paranoia. Being afraid of having to pay all kinds of fines just to feel better makes you paranoid.

  13. Ibuprofen puts me in the emergency room, marijuana has never put me in the hospital. Alcohol has caused so many problems in my life. Marijuana has helped me.

  14. This was a beautiful debate god damn i really wish every debate was like this, the world would be such a bjj kinda place pals just rollin and debating politely if they feel as though they shouldve had that round backed up with facts and less on opinions

  15. As someone in NZ who has now been medically treated with CBD for 12 months to treat PTSD, anxiety and depression it has stopped my suicidal episodes and has helped me regulate my somatic pain disorder. It has personally changed my life. Many of my other pharma medications do have negative effects, so the argument that a medicine can't be called one when it has negative effects on the patient is completely false. They are called side effects and they are listed on every single pill bottle you are prescribed. He may be researching the wider facts but he is ignoring the building blocks of this issue. It is medicine.

  16. I had to quit weed due to constant psychosis. I am from Cali and I have been diagnosed as bipolar. I also think MDMA or ecstasy is really damaging to the brain and played a role on the reason why I get psychosis. Psychosis is no joke and after you come back from reality you are faced with horrible excruciating depression. Just my 2 cents.

  17. The Psychiatric community used to call Gender Dysmorphia a mental illness, now they say it's perfectly normal. They are not to be trusted to tell us any truth…

  18. The curly headed guy starts answering questions before the question is completed. I was surprised that Joe never said shut the f**k up. You have more patience than me. He was very annoying he seems like a snake oil salesman. I don't believe the guy

  19. Potency has NOT increased substantially. I believe the thing is that in years past, we all smoked leaves, stems etc. The flower is where the most magic is. Now instead of weak leaves, we are smoking flower buds. Big difference.

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