1. When i was a kid my grandmother would sing this to me while we were driving to Florida for vacation. She would scratch my head and sing this song…and i thought she made it up. Shes been gone years now…but boy do i miss her!! RIP Granny❤

  2. OverviewLyricsListenOther recordings
    Let me tell ya 'bout the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees
    And the moon up above
    And a thing called 'Love'
    Let me tell ya 'bout the stars in the sky
    And a girl and a guy
    And the way they could kiss
    On a night like this
    When I look into your big brown eyes
    It's so very plain to see
    That it's time you learned about the facts of life
    Starting from A to Z
    Let me tell ya 'bout the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees
    And the moon up above
    And a thing called 'Love'
    When I look into your big brown eyes
    It's so very plain to see
    That it's time you learned about the facts of life
    Starting from a to z
    Let me tell ya 'bout the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees
    And the moon up above
    And a thing called 'Love'
    Let me tell ya 'bout the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees
    And the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees, 'bout the birds
    And the bees
    And the bees
    And the bees

  3. a life lesson for everyone, and our human connection with nature/Earth as reproductive sexual beings. thanks for sharing/old tune but still holds true in this present time of 2021.

  4. When I was in 5th grade, I just loved this song. Couldn’t wait to hear it come on WOWO, Fort Wayne. Then my dad told me embarrassed me when he pointed out “The Facts of Life”. First I was like what’s that? Then the little light bulb came on.

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