Oklahomans Debate State Question 820 On Recreational Marijuana

If Oklahomans vote in favor of state question 820 dispensaries would be able to sell to anyone over 21. The group hoping that …


  1. I don’t believe the results, those numbers are a sham . It is to many people in Oklahoma that is for recreational Cannabis or else it would have never gotten this far as a state.

  2. Where did all the fucking money go from the lottery? Why are the turnpikes not free?
    It's already recreational waste of time and these Chinese pot farms need to go under

  3. no for 820 !!!!! it stops users from growing for personal use from what i understand . so unless it is changed i say no. i also think its a medicine not for rec. use. money money money is all they care about not the well being of the state and its people.

  4. as someone that is refused by doctors to even acknowledge my pain i am so thankful for medical marijuana. the thing i want to know is why they are so anti drugs when the only thing that makes it illegal is that its made in someones home and not made in a lab. amphetamins are an illegal drug but people like myself and my son that take them every single day for adhd. come on lets face it the only reason they want to keep it illegal is becasue they cant control it!!

  5. There should be no debate about. Making marijuana legal for recreational use is the next common Sense step2 common Sense lawmaking. I mean for Christ's sakes this is a constitutional carry state which means anybody anywhere can carry a firearm at anytime . And in the over five thousand years of marijuana usage we still can't pinpoint anybody dying from the intake of marijuana children aren't being poisoned they're just getting Stone beyond their comprehension. It is the parents job to educate their children put your medication away along with your firearms out of their reach. For those who think legalization makes it more accessible to children obviously don't remember being a child because it's accessible with or without the law. Might as well put the money spent to use

  6. No qualifying medical conditions for a med card is pretty much recreational already, you just have to pay the state to purchase it now. Might as well get the tax money out of it.

  7. Education, not incarnation. Knowledge is power against hate and biased ways of the way safer use from pain and suffering. When legalized, you remove the ruined lives that are hurt now, including my own.

  8. I have thousands and thousands of LEO training hours and have attended schools through the years with officers from Colorado and heard first hand about how the laws their have affected their stats not to mention read several articles on the same. Contact their Attorney General or the Colorado Director of Public Safety for more information πŸš”

  9. Marijuana causes brain damage and ultimately schizophrenia and increased violent behavior and puts users at an increased risk of becoming opioid addicts. This is horrible for any culture and will cost taxpayers of Oklahoma much more than it brings in. There is a lot of medical research showing this see Imprimis (a publication of Hillsdale College) published an article in January of 2019 by the author of Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence, Alex Berenson he addressed the correlation of schizophrenia and marijuana use with strong connections to opioid addiction and violence.

  10. Don't count your cash before it's in your hands. Prices are dropping and Croptober is year long everyday business that don't have room for big pharmaceutical or monopoly business groups. The 420 Network is here to help.

  11. Look! Here we go again there's always some holier-than-thou reefer madness agenda pushing nobody who doesn't know what he's talking about trying to stop progress from happening. I'm a free-thinking Oklahoman and I support state question 820. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ–€πŸ’―β€ΌοΈ

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