Proper Placement of Sensors in a Cannabis Grow Area

Proper Placement of Sensors in a Cannabis Grow Area Professor DeBacco A Sensor is only as good as its placement Keep-in …


  1. well these "other factors" are minimal at worse when it comes to temp and RH cause who in the hell will be in their grow tent with a computer and if you need to know exactly without variation what the temp is then you should not be growing PERIOD. This should be more of what type of sensors to use in a grow area cause not all are created equal but im sure someone will get offended by that and demand equality cause that is what anal retentive ppl do like the one that needs to know without variation what the temp is. You can pick up a great temp and RH sensor from Wal-mart for $12 a place it hanging in the middle of your canopy and you are good but also place one next to the bottom of where your pots are so you know how cool it is for the roots and those 2 placements will be good enough for you to grow. This shit here is for the anal retentive.

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