SC hemp farmer accuses SLED, SC Attorney General, SC Ag Department of conspiracy in 2019 farm raid

Pendarvis Farms is headquartered just off Main Street in Harleyville, a town of 677 people. Mostly families with multi-generational …


  1. That many virgins to smeesh that guys work that helps the economy cops are economic terrorists currently either directly as in this case or inadvertently through willful ignorance of the laws the swear to uphold lol civil rights violations and the payouts amongst stealing overtime hours lol and i bet there are more examples of how the terrorize the economy if you are willing to leave your house to drive anywhere or risk being detained for an ID lol my god man the gov better take notice and restructure these idiots

  2. All officers involved lose qualified immunity..and FIRED..loss of retirement and jailed. $2 million dollar settlement and $5 million dollar punitive damages plus attorney fees.

  3. the police have been militarized the people non-government people are domestic terrorists and now with the bond failures and inflation they're going to become extremely agitated like hitting a hornet's nest they want the money

  4. The fact Keels was not fired, and had the gaul to comment on the AM trail, blows my mind. Maybe he was not guilty after all. Maybe the jury was stacked. Funny never seen so many alts used before ever. The fact the judge is smirking when coming to sit down, does not sit right either. The bias from the judge on objections. No weapon could be confirmed, no fingerprints, no blood spatter, they lied to even get the indictment, which was admitted to on the stand not just one lie, but two. So who the bigger liar. SLED is shady and they are that way. Believe what you want they wanted to destroy this man, just like they wanted to destroy this farmer. South Carolina is messed up. Do not think the law is going to help you here.

  5. They clearly know what they're doing to the farmer isn't right. Just following orders isn't no more acceptable now than in the 40's. The fact the body cam was shut off shows clear and absolute corruption.

  6. All I can think after seeing the murdaugh trial is that some powerful person with influence over SLED in Lowcountry also has hemp crops and doesn't want competition from this person so he got SLED to arrest him and instantly destroy his crop (rather than waiting for appeal, etc)

  7. Why is narcotics involved with hemp? At 16:40 the highlighted line refers to 'hemp/marijuana'; Its 2023 – this is absurd. Hemp is an ag/industrial product. Why should anyone need a permit to grow hemp? Don't need a permit to grow flax. They trampled on his rights, they conspired to violate his rights to make this happen, and continued to ghost his lawyers. Turning off a body cam should carry automatic and severe penalties.

  8. Was this some back water attempt at land seizures????? Wouldn't be the first time people's lands were STOLLEN by so called elected officials!πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

  9. Treble the cash value of the destroyed crop to 6M, pay trent every penny, charge all conspirators, and pay for every penny of it Not with taxpayer's money but with departmental forfeiture and sale of assets. The LEOS in charge have got to learn that their actions have consequences and we the people are their bosses not the reverse. Good luck on your assumed upcoming lawsuits Trent!

  10. These "law enforcement" CRIMINALS should lose their jobs, be charged criminally, and pay him for every single square inch of hemp plant that was cut, not to mention additional damages. Absolutely out of control

  11. And… Unfortunately the lawsuit because of stupid "law enforcement" …the poor tax payers will pay for inept "policing" in this "great" country!
    Welcome to America
    It's south Carolina…don't expect intelligence there… hillbillies

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