UK Wild edibles ; Cleavers (Galium aparine) prepare + cook

On this video i show you you how to prepare Cleavers. My website My Instagram …


  1. Right up my street this Andy, it’s good to actually see the plants close up so you can get a good look at what your going to be picking when we go out. Books are great but they don’t give you that added security like when you actually see it moving on film. Hope to see more of these type of videos pal πŸ‘

  2. Nothing wet my appetite until the Omelette came along. I don't like Blanched greens, I like my Cabbage soggy, my Brussels soft etc. I know there is the theory that you boil all the nutrients out, but I am not a Rabbit. LOL. Most folk seem to add Sugar or Honey to their herbal teas and I think that I'm in that group too if you have the ingredients to hand.

  3. I was going to say Cabbage Andy. I'm enjoying your exploration of Wild Edibles and hey it's good to see them Cleavers out – we had fun with them not knowing we could take them back home to mum. Ha ha! All the best. Mark

  4. It's great seeing this video and in the states , we call cleavers the "wait a minute" vine . They are just about impossible to walk through . I miss my time living in Kent and all those stinging nettles . They taste wonderful and make a decent cordage .
    Thanks for the lesson Andy & all the best from New Mexico . Lefty

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