Weekend Coffee with MarkZ 03/04/2023

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  1. I do not wish pain and suffering on anyone EXCEPT the EVIL that did it to all of us !! I guess if the shoe fits for her – she has to wear it !! I knew many that got the shingles shot and thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn – got shingles – also the jab provokes it !! I agree the WHITE HATS need to let all the TRUTH OUT NOW !!!!

  2. Strange about Wells Fargo – Sun City has had one for years and I never noticed it until today – they painted it in bright colors ! I ask a friend if it has always been there- he said it's been there for years !! I said they must have painted it – he said they did !!

  3. I bet everyone is beginning to wonder what "soon" means – all my life I thought it was a few days and here we are in soon years ! LOL !! I know it's coming !! How SOON, only they know !

  4. 1 Chronicles 4:10 NIV

    “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. . ”

  5. ****URGENT****
    All of the Chemical explosions train derailment etc. Are ALL being done on purpose for the EPA to grab the land in that area with a WIND FALL LIEN for environmental cleanup. They want the land in all of these areas and are creating these bulshit disasters to steal the land away from the land owners! Also known as Superfund Cleanups. It's all right there on EPA'S own website!……… SHARE THIS INFORMATION!

  6. ****URGENT*****
    All of the Chemical explosions train derailment etc. Are ALL being done on purpose for the EPA to grab the land in that area with a WIND FALL LIEN for environmental cleanup. They want the land in all of these areas and are creating these bulshit disasters to steal the land away from the land owners! Also known as Superfund Cleanups. It's all right there on EPA'S own website!……… SHARE THIS INFORMATION!

  7. Why didn’t Ron stop the raid on President Trump as Governor he should have! But because his eyes where on the Presidency he allowed this crime under his watch! That says 3very5hing he lacks integrity! His been pretend8ng tobe. Good guy till he gets into power l8ke all others than we get the real person, not so good after all is said and done, we get the true man behind the fake smiles and promises that never materialize! His a politician not a patriot, he prove this when he let AG Garlan violate a President House, we know President Trump was and is still being targeted! Ron is a show the real one will gear his ugly true self once his in power, he lacked the moral fiber he allowed an innocent man’s house to be defile under his what to get an advantage and run for President all he did is show his lack off moral fiber and everything else, what else will he allow to happen to get ahead?! He cannot be trusted period!! President Trump is the best off the best, He protects all citizens and his fair keeps his word and wants everyone to succeed! Unlike Ron who let the AG commit a crime under his watch solely so that Ron would get ahead in the running for President?, total lack off morals fiber!

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