12-Year-Old Dies After Getting Shot in a Drive-by Shooting

The mayor of Hartford, Connecticut, chokes up after a 12-year-old girl, Secret Pierce, was shot and killed. “This is a painful day in …


  1. What! HONESTLY what has happened to our world this little girl did not deserved this, Remember that this is gonna be our future it’s not even a story it’s gets worse and worse as the days go by she had a whole life ahead


    i feel bad for her family and friends

    can not imagine how her friends and best friends feel when they find out their bestie died

  3. C’mon mayor, force out that crocodile tear……. It is very sad that an innocent young girl was killed, for the girl and especially for her grandmother who now has to live with this daily after her son – the girls father – was also gunned down a decade ago – – but that’s life in black-hoods. This typically wouldn’t have happened in a white neighborhood….. Until police – and even the black neighborhoods themselves – get a grip on the OUT OF CONTROL BLACK VIOLENCE, this will continue to be any ordinary, every day occurrence in black-hoods…..

  4. I have no prayers or condolences….it sucks to be a teen nowdays all you hear is about them killing or getting killed. We'll hear about another case like this in 3 days from now

  5. May God grant his Eternal Rest to that young girl, & give his Consolation & Peace to all who loved her & knew her.
    To the politicians, local citizens, all the Adults in the room, this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

  6. If a shooting is gang related and some innocent bystander is killed, it should be a minimum of at least 30 years and no Liberal judge should be allowed to change that.

  7. Too many irresponsible people with guns and the NRA refuses to take responsibility. Remember: “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”…via guns, they forgot that part

  8. To see Americans react with the exact same calibre of sadness and grief every time violent crime occurs just leaves me speechless. I mean yes, I get that people cannot just say nothing , but i guess what i mean is that the reactions have been so similar every single time it almost makes your people seem, like, indifferent now to the crime situation in your country

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