CBD Craze: Pros and cons of using CBD infused products April 12, 2023 admin CBD 7 CBD Craze: Pros and cons of using CBD infused products.
yes there is no problem with CBD Infusion, it won't get you high no matter how hard you try. I get mine at https://getcbdinfusion.com/ they have quality products tried it many times, I'm glad a friend introduce them to me. Reply
CBD is fine, the problem is that many companies are using it as a marketing tool. Get your CBD from a dispensary. Reply
big pharma no like cbd
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yes there is no problem with CBD Infusion, it won't get you high no matter how hard you try. I get mine at https://getcbdinfusion.com/ they have quality products tried it many times, I'm glad a friend introduce them to me.
CBD is fine, the problem is that many companies are using it as a marketing tool. Get your CBD from a dispensary.
Give me THC infused products