Wow. I'd be really excited if I didn't know, from personal experience kicking Type 2 Diabetes to the gutter, that your providing misleading information. It's not the CBD , it's the THC-V and (contrary to conventional wisdom) the intake of animal lipids (pork fat rules!) at the correct time before vaping the cannabis at the correct temperature (428 F).
Sugar/carbs do not cause diabetes. It's the presence of free fatty acids in the blood which prevents blood glucose from being oxidized and metabolized [=glycolysis, Randle Cycle]. When carbs are eaten along with fat/oil, the insulin that's released will inhibit lipolysis and produce a double whammy effect – a metabolic storm.
skip to 1:00…you welcome.
Wow. I'd be really excited if I didn't know, from personal experience kicking Type 2 Diabetes to the gutter, that your providing misleading information. It's not the CBD , it's the THC-V and (contrary to conventional wisdom) the intake of animal lipids (pork fat rules!) at the correct time before vaping the cannabis at the correct temperature (428 F).
Sugar/carbs do not cause diabetes. It's the presence of free fatty acids in the blood which prevents blood glucose from being oxidized and metabolized [=glycolysis, Randle Cycle]. When carbs are eaten along with fat/oil, the insulin that's released will inhibit lipolysis and produce a double whammy effect – a metabolic storm.