CBD vape liquid 250mg from CBD oils and vape Review

A review of some CBD vape liquid I was sent to review by CBD Oils and Vape Link to website: www.buy.cbdoilvape.co.uk.


  1. 500mg in 50ml is only 10mg per ml. This seems ludicrously weak and inconvenient. Sublingual tincture would be way better for controlling dose. Would recommend making one’s own VG juice with CBD isolate – tiny fraction of the price and more practical concentration

  2. hi opioids took me 7 months to come off all my tablets except 3 what i need to take ,with my insulin , i have diabetic neruopathy and i am trying to find a good vape around 300mg vape either dripper or tank . ive tried before some work some dont . i have a 200watt mods . cleito 120 falcon tanks and drippers . all sorts lol .

  3. Wow. I just thought it was only me, sensing your honest, beautiful soul.

    Liked and subscribed.
    You are very real, down to earth and honest, beautiful soul.

    It is hard to find youtubers like you.
    All fake people,.

    God bless you:

  4. Hey Adele,I just found you..You seem like a really cool girl and fun as well. I hope you do some more videos soon..I know how life can get in the way ,but I hope all is well..Peace & Love

  5. Hi Adele just discovering your videos as I'm looking to try CBD, have you ever tried the e-liquid from CBD club? Thanks in advance. Great videos by the way. πŸ™‚

  6. Did the phenibut work for pain relief as the morphine did nothing for me and reduced the pregabalin the CBD IS GOING OF THE MARKET witch is a shame. stay well. terry

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