Hi guys, today I have gone through 13 of Shane’s conspiracy videos to debunk as many as possible. I truly spent a long time on …


  1. 26:45 the sock theory is even dumber when you remember that Alice in wonderland has a bunch of iterations! The Disney film isn't the only adaption of design of Alice, the striped socks DO appear on Alice in other versions of the story šŸ˜­
    Not surprised he doesn't know this considering he was shocked by name brand and store brands šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

  2. Also Iā€™m pretty sure all bottled water has some amount of salt or minerals. Because they naturally occur in water. And our bodies need them. Thatā€™s what electrolytes are.

  3. I do gotta sayā€¦ the deep fake stuff is going to be and probably already is AMAZING for the film industry and how they can age and manipulate actors to look a certain way without makeup prosthetics but itā€™s super scary all the negative things that come with it

  4. Soā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ I also thought at one point that water bottles had salt to make you more thirsty but I talked to a holistic doctor and he said that a little touch of sodium in the water helps you hold onto the water instead of flushing it out quickly. So that doctor told me to put a pinch of salt In my two water to help with dehydration. Which is crazy to think, because drinking salt water isnā€™t good BUT itā€™s the ratio that matters. But I do think water companies could manipulate that. But that holistic doctor made it make so much more sense.

  5. Soā€¦ donā€™t we all already know that store brands and name brands might be pretty much the same. I mean some are different. Some store brands taste better and some taste worse than name brands. Not every store brand is gonna be the exact same as a name brand, but some might be. But no every single chip brand is gonna have an exact dupe in every store. And how is that a conspiracy? Cause itā€™s just a fact. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

  6. I was once a Shane fan back when all his content was gross and offensive because being a teenager at the time, I was stupid, and that kind of ā€œJackassā€ style humor was all the rage. But then I still followed him into as he moved away from the offensive stuff. I never really listened to his first podcast much, and I didnā€™t know anything about what he said about his cat until it blew up a few years ago. I have still been watching here and there to see if he actually has made an effort to grow and change, and there are so episodes of his new podcast that I actually kind of enjoyed but more because of his brother for some reason. I just think he has some interesting stuff to say and seems like a genuine dude. But once I saw all these videos come up about his latest video I just knew I couldnā€™t watch it because I would be annoyed by it. So I have just watched s bunch of people reviewing it, and itā€™s probably much more entertaining this way. So thanks for watching it for me. šŸ˜‚

  7. The 23 and me one is more accurate in USA because the government will actually use information from that website and similar to do things like solve cold cases. A bunch of murders from before DNA testing have been solved recently because a relative of the murderer used 23 and me

  8. Deep fakes has been used in the war between Russia and Ukraine. So far I don't think anything big came out of it. But the Trump getting arrested deep fake had people up in arms thinking it was real.

  9. 26:57 I know itā€™s not that important to the video, but that cosplay is from Alice: Madness Returns (the video game)- where Alice does in fact have black and white striped stockings.

  10. So, Shane loves telling us he grew up so poor. Maybe, he grew up getting mostly store-brands items. And, now that he can afford all the name brands, he's just horrified to discover that he's still consuming the same junk he was always getting. lol

  11. "It's really not that deep" yeah that summarizes most of Shane's videos. Great video though, I'm glad youtube recommended me your channel

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