Dropshipping CBD Products is DUMB: Do High Ticket Dropshipping Instead

In this video I talk about why dropshipping CBD products is a terrible first business model and why you should be doing high ticket …


  1. I'm going have to respectfully disagree on the argument that you require engagement to your subscribers on social media or other forms of marketing.

    You don't have to be a social influencer, as you can't market cbd products on most Social Medias.

    Also, if you don't have knowledge on CBD, or have not tested it since the making of this video, and know it's benefits, I highly suggest you shouldn't be talking making a video about it at all unless you do diligent research because that's how businesses are formed right, with a solid business plan?

    In addition, there's also more ways to get people to site besides Facebook and Google, for what it's worth. The dropshipping business that I'm working with has generated of 30k in the past four months. If someone out there is asking themselves is it too late to get into this industry. No, it isn't.

    "The global CBD market size was estimated at USD 2.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 3.5 billion in 2021. … The global CBD market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 21.2% from 2021 to 2028 to reach USD 13.4 billion by 2028."

  2. Does this guy think Medical Marajuana or CBD will just disappear? Hey Bro, you can't stop it. It will be legal in almost every state. You're a fool if you don't think this is the then next gold rush. It brings in too much money and to many people support it. I haven't seen any cannabis crime since it has been legalized…..You just have something against Marajuana. It's not going anywhere. IF you were smart you would invest in it, but who wants to be a millionaire…..

  3. I have a cbd dropshipping store and its very successful, plus I have my own products. It depends on the person. Plus I started out with 600 followers. So yeah don't think your right.

  4. I beg the differ with you. I recently purchased a turnkey CBD dropshipping store from a site called https://cbdwebsites.net and it gets quite good traffic from facebook just with an automated blog. I agree it's not possible to promote your products directly on Google or FB but you can still promote your "content".

    I also agree with you though dropshipping high ticket items is the BEST but it's VERY competitive so you need crazy amount of content on your site.
    Plus i realized something weird; some companies do promote their sites on Google but typing CB D or TH C instead of CBD and THC on their headline. I don't know if this is a trick or what.

  5. Lies!!!!!!!!! Join total life changes a great drop shipping company that has been around for 20 years. My whole team droships and we make a ton of money. You don’t have to be a social influencer. I have never ranked my website. Never done google ads. We pay daily. You can make $1,000 a day and it’s not slow.

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