Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Adolescent & Young Adult Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Dr. Andrew Huberman explains the effects of cannabis (marijuana) on the adolescent and young adult brain. Dr. Andrew …


  1. I just turned 20 and I dont smoke THC every day. If I ever use it, its when I'm super depressed or need to get stuff off my mind (really stressed out). There was a time last semester of college (800mi from home) where I could notice that I was getting addicted to it. Not addicted to the drug but the feeling I got to the drug. I used a vape equivalent which HURT my lungs real bad but the outcome was necessary to me in the moment. I had some hurtful things happen to me on campus that lead me to Su*cidal thoughts and late night bawling in my car in the campus parking lot (as a male). I can say this on here because no one knows me and probably never will. It was a situation I could not get out of because it was the middle of the semester and its not like I could pack up my bags and go home for a break. Anyways I would just sit in my car and just cry from 12am-3am listening to music and conteplating my ultimate end. Obviously I never enacted on such violence against myself or I wouldn't be here typing this. But THC helped numb these feelings, it made those hurtful thoughts and situations practically "disappear" from my brain calming me down and whatever. After while I learned to cope in less hurtful ways (felt like I was cutting my lungs everytime) and I still have those "pens" and use them from time to time. But unless I need them I don't have a use for using them everyday. So hopefully my brain cells wont stop growing until my ripe age of 25 but at least I got thru those troubles.

  2. I still think South Park explained it perfectly. Getting high will make you feel okay with not doing anything, which can be a wonderful thing as a productive adult. But when you're a kid it can omit your drive and desire to learn new skills that are essential later in life.

    Weed is great, but good God wait until college at least

  3. had adhd/complex issues even before smoking marijuana for the first time at 16. only twice and i was already used to it. took a break for 3 months at 18 to try maybe 3 pharmaceutical types, that was the worst feelings ever for me, so i started back up with hybrids only and we were golden for real. side note: the military is ridiculous for banning thc use. i dont smoke cigarettes, i drink water and eat my stewed veggies. i vape my thc now so i dont inhale 95 percent tar

  4. I've been smoking since i was 17 and been a daily user for around a year and half, im 22 now and im in 3rd year of med school so it hasnt "slowed" me down or effected me conginitively in a bad way. I think a reason for that might be the fact that I only smoke after i get all the shit done at night before sleep

  5. I wish I never smoked pot or at least waited till I was 26 when my brian was done developing for sure, I started smoking when I was 18 and since then I’ve never felt the same I feel like I lost this version of me that was fast with thinking and smart and not slow. I don’t smoke now but still I just wish I knew this back then

  6. Im 15 and i smoke and i know it affects my brain i can start to notice my memory gettin a little bad but weed brings me happiness and i dont want to stop but i also dont want to damage my brain and idk what to do

  7. guys please care yourself ,marijuana is dangerous if u use it at the first time dont do that again at least waiit ,do it when u in vacation ,never do that in normal days in your life,it will fock u omg its hard to make your time same as before the addiction of this :(((( let the time go omg this world is mixed by hell and heaven!

  8. My mother was bi-polar. She committed suicide when I was 6. I’m 61 and have been smoking weed since I was 12. I’ve had zero issues of health mental or otherwise. Weed has enabled me to avoid alcohol which is a highly destructive and dangerous drug.

  9. once i quit smoking weed regularly i felt more clear and bright focused and balanced. many of my prior acquaintances are chronic users of drugs that have been overtaken by the music and entertainment industry gangs and culture of hip hip / rap definitely changed a lot of peoples essence from promoting drugs for many years to youth and young adults growing up.

  10. legalization is very important, however as a 20 y/o who has been nearly permahigh the past year, there HAS GOT to be more widely available education around this. I'm nervous to talk about my struggles with cannabis addiction because it's not seen as a generally neutral…

  11. Very good and informing video. I've been constantly using for about 3 years and realized it myself at some point. Even if you start to consume cannabis in your teenage years, make sure to set tolerance breaks and keep it to the weekends. Especially if you're still in school you shouldn't be using anytime than weekends. And its enough to roll a small one, don't try to keep up with your friends if they are heavily abusing cannabis. Thats not what its there for

  12. am 18 been smoking everyday since 12, weed can affect you negatively and i would not recomend smoking until you are at least 16 although i have now been acclimatised to it and so school work, jobs, staying fit and social events are perfectly viable for me.

  13. You mentioned how heavy use of marijuana (2+ times per week, as you stated) has these very negative effects on a young mind. How does that differ from low use, such as 2-4 times per month? Does it still carry the same negative effects?

  14. been smoking for a while and it's pretty subjective imo, I've only rlly had positive side effects but I'm not gonna invalidate anyone else's experience. Weed ain't bad but like all good things, it's best in moderation. either way, most of the "negative" effects already existed for me w adhd, and they haven't gotten better or worse w bud.

  15. I am 21 years old, I started smoking cannabis and tobacco and I know it has destroyed my brain… I wish i knew then what I know now, I can Definitely tell I lost A LOT of memory capacity, thought speed, communicative ability, and it did nothing but make my emotional health worse. The paranoia alone created immense dementophobia throughout my late teen years and broke my friendships and relationships! Now being about 2 years off weed I am just starting to recover and understand my mistake.

  16. I’m 14 and honestly I smoke everyday since I was 12, and I don’t really notice any changes except my sleep getting better and anxiety better tbh but I guess you never know

  17. What you do, to you is your responsibility… Until the messaging is to benefit the industry & not you. Still its your choice. But we advertise it in music, in magazines, TV, billboards.. Tell you all the good, positive things, & none of the bad. Is it still your choice then?

  18. Okay, so i've smoked since I was 17 pretty consistently. Im 23 now and my cognitive function has declined and my anxiety has gotten worse. Am I just fucked?

  19. Okay let’s get this understood cannabis is a medicine it has good properties the problem is ppl only do weed to look cool it even says keep away from children so at the end of the day teach your kids right from wrong and also discipline and maybe it wouldn’t be like this I been smoking for a long time and all the side effects ppl talk about I don’t see it and I only smoke 2 times a day so discipline.
    P.s cannabis should only be medical not recreational I dont like man made drugs so what’s better than the plant it’s self CBD doesn’t even get you high just relax your body ppl

  20. im 18. i started when i was 16-17 i believe. before i did carts, i did edibles about 1-3 times a month. but when i started carts, i was doing it 3-6 times a day. i became super depressed ( i had cleared my depression 2 years before daily use) and i would slur my words and not be able to remember my day or anything i was talking about. my anxiety has never been so bad. people are right about doing it in moderation, and waiting until your brain is developed. i wish i had the motivation to wait. but waiting another 7 years is so long even if i know in the long term its best for me.

    dont start, the feelings of missing out for a decade isnt worth your entire life trying to undo the damage thats permanent.

  21. I’m 18 years old and take 5mg of edibles per night because of my insomnia that has progressively gotten worse following the tragic and unexpected passing of my father. What are the potential effects it may have on my health down the road? I have tried just about everything to help with my sleep and nothing works except for the edibles.

  22. at the end of the day i really dont give a shit tbh, i know the risks but my life would be alot more boring if i wasnt smoking up with the boys. Im fully in control of holding a job and keeping money coming in and im completely happy even with that little bit of brainfog.

  23. ayo thats yall im a 19yr old who has been smoking since i was 16 got full ride scholarships to 3 diffr colleges i run a company and i lose weight way faster when smoking. yall just lazy and using weed as an excuse get ya money up.

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