Epilepsy Neurologist Discusses Keppra

This is a brief overview of Keppra (levetiracetam). Always talk with your doctor about your medications!


  1. I've have been on and off of levitracitam 250mgs for some time, because some doctors thought that I was just having fainting spells. Recently I was put on 500mgs twice a day. I can deal with these side effects, because the medication helps calm my body. It also helps with the migraine with aura. Topamax and Lamictal worked for me too, but the side effects were unbearable. I'm thankful for keppra. Dilantin was the first medication that worked for me as a teen.

  2. I hate Keppra. Rages, exhaustion, muscle aches, memory difficulties. DEPRESSED and yes, I don't care about living. Had a couple of seizures. No one knew why, and other than me, no one cares why. The neurologist is ignoring me. Since I get "free health care," I get crappy doctors. So since I have NO OTHER CHOICE. I'm planning on stopping the drug since the doctor won't even return my calls for an appointment.

  3. I can't remember short-term when I'm on this drug and I still have seizures and it makes me have bad mood swings I tore up my house and broke everything at least three times. They're still trying to find a medicine to help me. I can't believe all the money we have in the world to ship they spend money on in this country and they can't figure out how to stop a fucking seizure. I'm praying for myself everyday and everyone out there who has seizures and they cannot find the diagnosis

  4. The VA prescribed me meds and side effects were seizures … then I started having seizures and needed keppra . Then the keppra rage ruined my home life my marriage , my relationships with my friends and family. I hate what they did 2 me , ever since I’ve been home bound and can’t drive or work and I feel my testicles shrinking by the damn day !! I miss being a Fuckin soldier in the Army man fuk this smh ( I’m crying rn because I NEED seizure meds ,, BUT I’m scared to ruin what I DO HAVE LEFT)

    My fellow battle buddies stay away from this medication 💊

  5. been on 1000mg (1-500mg every 7 hours) for about a month and honestly haven't noticed anything besides sleeping a little more. glad this is the case cuz when you google "side effects" it makes you think you're gonna kill yourself😂

  6. I’m new to Keppra. 62 years old. Looking like epilepsy is being ruled out. Cause of seizure not determined just yet. I did get a severe rash but it’s fading away now. My concern is insomnia. Anyone else affected with insomnia? It’s torture to be up all night

  7. I currently take Lamotrigine for my seizures. I recently had an appointment with my neurologist, and we were possibly looking into adding something else to my medication. I had a car accident last year, and while in the hospital the doctor also looked into adding this to the lamotrigine. He said a side effect of it was anger or aggressive mood. We immediately said no to that. I was on Dilantin when I was first diagnosed with seizures, and that caused my mood to change my mood. We just stuck to the lamotrigine which has helped me quite a bit

  8. As a kid I took Keppra and I was so angry all the time when I took it, I constantly got into arguments and was given detention at least once a week, I even attempted suicide a number of times because I was so overwhelmed with anger and frustration at the smallest things

  9. I have epilepsy and hated it. That and depakote were my least favorite. I’m on lamotrigine now and it seems to be ok. I’m still having seizures though it is only my 3rd week of taking it. My Xs bf was diagnosed with epilepsy and he started Keppra and you could literally see the difference in him. It may work on some people but the people I’ve seen it seems to wear them down hard.

  10. They tried to give it to me for a cause for a conclusion on my head when I went into a seizure for that reason I begin begin to have a reaction I went into a seizure And they also apply to continue to prescribe it to me afterwards and it was unnecessary

  11. I have epilepsy and tried out a number of different seizure medications and they all made me feel not only like I was a different person but like I was always half sedated or half full of jittery energy not good at all.Once I tried Keppra all that went away and the Keppra helps with my epilepsy and doesn't make me feel like Doo Doo.Good video very informative thanks

  12. I had a concussion in Summer of 2012 which resulted in bleeding in the brain and short term memory loss. In 2016, I had my first seizure. In 2019, I had my second. Yesterday, June 2022, I had my third. I am now on 500mg of Keppra until I see a neurologist.

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