Exploring The Recent Kratom Ban In Montana State

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  1. Kratom is the only thing that helped me get off methadone. I went from heavy fentanyl use to high dose methadone. I weened down to nothing but experienced terrible withdrawal. Kratom took them away. I’ve been clean for 4 months and haven’t missed a day of work.

  2. Family member of mine was taking painkillers for years because of arthritis and she stopped taking them when she found Kratom… Pharma industry has deep pockets and they hate competition.

  3. There’s not a ban yet. Still have hope. EVERYONE counted us out in 2016. Even Mac and Dr Henningfield. Dr. Henningfield told us that he could help get us ready for a lawsuit against. But that we had already lost because the DEA has never rescinded an intent to ban.

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