HELLthcare (FULL PODCAST) | Christopher Titus | Titus Podcast

Titus and Hylinder solve U.S. healthcare, climate change, and world poverty with a speak ‘n’ spell and some duct tape.


  1. To whoever suggested that police should train in schools, they do. They use vacation days and summer to have active shooter drills at schools. They bring in department from the surrounding areas also.

  2. That bus you're talking about is the orange line, and I take it to get to work 5 days a week. Also, the busses on that line are all natural gas now. It's definitely important to have alternatives to driving to commute from the SFV, especially with how expensive gas is. That said, the MTA treats its riders like criminals and only enforce fair payment and not public safety.

  3. I have thought that if we had single payer healthcare, responsible for paying all of the bills, they would soon find it advantageous to eliminate as many causes for illness as possible. They would want clean water, clean air, healthy food without unhealthy additives, allow only safe drugs on the market, etc. Safer roads and railroads too.

  4. Australia also has healthcare. I know it kinda sounds like Austria but its an entirely different country trust me. 😉 Love your shows and your movie Special Unit is the top watched movie in our household. I wish you'd make more movies they're great. You are Fabulous never stop pointing out logic to the world. There are so many people out here who need to learn it. Keep up the great work. We love you.

  5. The accountants that check the budget congress decides on said, that if we installed universal health care we would save 3 billion dollars over what we spend now

  6. Your health care is fucked cos the insurance companies have too many shareholders that are politicians, its all down to money.
    It's slowly going that way for us in Ireland too, the government slowly trying to stall the NHS and push us all to private insurance.
    RIP grandma,

  7. It was old man Bush that was the first to try and pass Obama care! Then it was Clinton, and after the republican party got finished with it they finally let it pass under Obama!

  8. "Do you think you can go up against an M1 Abrams?"
    YES TITUS!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I have never kissed my phone before, until just now when you said that!!! I've been waiting for someone, anyone in the media, ANY media, to ask that question of ANY 2Aer for years and years now!!!
    It concerns me that this question hasnt dawned on most gun enthusiasts! You know, the ones that love ALL the toys associated with war.
    Just wanted to say thanks and I Love your guys podcasts and youtube!!! Condolences on grandma. Rae=🫂

  9. It comes down to the money. Pharma and insurance will not give their cash cow. And they will continue to pay off our politicians to make sure it will never grow the Obama Care. We will never have preemptive care because reactive care make the billions that the companies and shareholders want. “So when someone says that America is number one in healthcare, I don’t know what the F$&@ their talking about!”

  10. Institutionalized Bigotry and Hyper Racism, are the reasons why America is so far behind a lot of the good statistics. Mostly a great country, but a million tons of that mixed in.

  11. I agree with Titus for the most part, but this sounds as if he thinks only the US could possibly cure cancer. Other countries with publicly funded healthcare also have great scientists and they haven’t cured cancer yet either.

    And you know what? Americans were totally fine with publicly funded education, Social Security, even housing…as long as there was also segregation. As soon as welfare, public schools, community colleges, Social Security, etc had to also apply to African Americans and immigrants support started to wane, until now these programs are constantly criticized and denigrated.

  12. Thank you So so much for working towards health care! My husband passed suddenly early 40 & have child with autism. I can't get health care ( If I didn't live it, it would be a comedy skit!)
    The reason I found you is to relieve stress from bleeding ulcers.
    Please keep working on it! My heartfelt gratitude. 🤗
    Love, love, love ur comedy! 💓 Laughter is good medicine!

  13. And I’m sorry for everyone having to deal with this insane flooding. And now the reservoirs will have to let water out before the snow melt. Maybe you won’t have such a bad fire season.

  14. I’m curious about the draught. Had the ground water been restored to normal levels? The reason I ask is because there has been so much water all at once each time, usually after a drought the soil is hydrophobic, and the runoff is so fast that the ground can’t absorb all of the water
    But I don’t live there so sorry if it’s a dumb question

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