How Australia's most radical cannabis laws are coping two years later | ABC In-Depth

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  1. One thing you cannot get away from the fact is this is a seed that has been here before the Dawn a time the dinosaurs ate the plant. it is not man-made like the other chemicals that man has made. it's a seed that was given by mother.nature. billions years ago 🤔

  2. Still doing better than in the UK, here you just have to hope the police in your city don't pay much attention to it (I'm pretty lucky the police near me don't really care)

  3. Mary put it well, it's not the plant that causes paranoia, it's the laws. I've recently been getting medical cannabis and I don't get any paranoid thoughts anymore because I know 100% I'm doing "the right" thing now. But I typically keep it to myself because it'd be ignorant to think that there's no stigma around the topic. There is and you can't blame ppl who have been told for their entire life it's bad to have a hard time transitioning their thoughts to seeing the legitimate health benefits. My mental health is better than it's been in many years! I absolutely love feeling this good! But obviously everyone is different and you should always consult with your Dr to find the right fit for you.


    I got out my pipe stuffed it with pot

    You better believe it held a whole lot.

    I whipped out a lighter thumbed up a flame

    Sucked down that smoke which comforts my brain.

    I tried alcohol smoked cigarettes

    They did nothing but give me regrets.

    My mom had arthritis could not walk around

    I rolled her a joint she danced on the ground.

    I thought I was losing my lovemaking knack

    After I smoked some to me it came back.

    Soon I decided prices were high

    I searched for some ground I wouldn't have to buy.

    I bargained for seeds from smokers all around

    Got in my truck and drove out of town.

    I walked through the woods where wild birds nest

    Found me the meadow I thought was the best.

    I dug up the ground sowed all my seeds

    Said a small prayer for strong, healthy weeds.

    I watered at night with a five-gallon pail

    Mosquitoes went hungry for I wore a veil.

    Seven months went by; I thought I would die

    Till the Halloween moon was high in the sky.

    At night I went out, in a camouflage suit

    Used my corn knife to chop down the loot.

    I hung it up to dry where it couldn’t be found.

    Came back and got it, when it had turned brown.

    I trimmed off the buds, stuffed them in bags

    Called all my friends and passed out free drags.

    In less than a week my crop was gone

    I flew to St. Thomas with a love hungry blonde!!

    By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart

    Google = Most Published Poet

    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!

  5. We're all for it we can see the benefits but you have to laugh near the end of that were they showed what she was growing, is she really using all of that every three months herself hahaha, love it love to see it.
    Seriously lucky were sitting down.

  6. It will take time to vote the political foes out of office in time you will have a wonderful place a free land voting gets it done by grass roots efforts and veterans. Replacing politicians.

  7. Wait WHAT?! She grew that inside using lights?!? Either it’s that weird ruderalis or she’s just awful at growing. Either do it properly or not at all, especially if you’re risking prison time

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