1. Idk if Ashwaganda has helped with stress or not. I’ve been having so many high highs and low lows it would be hard to tell. But I’ll tell you what it DID do: When I drink tea with Ashwaganda it awakens something in my pleasure center in my brain! My body stores up sexual “energy” every time I have it. Oh, and it compounds over time. My body is very clean on the inside so I can feel every little thing that goes on…anyone else experience this?

  2. I had the same experience, it was not benefiting me at all! It was making me more depressed and I did not feel like doing anything at all. After I stopped taking it I felt a lot better.

  3. I took ashwagandha recently and it gave me diarrhea the next day. I’ll try it again soon but will only take half the dosage and hopefully I won’t have the side effect.

  4. This is such a white way of taking Ayurvedic herbs. This 30-day experiment may seem "scientific" but sorry, Ayurvedic doctors in India has been doing SCIENTIFIC empirical tests with medicinal herbs & spices for THOUSANDS of years. Ashwagandha ought to be taken IN CONJUNCTION with other medicinal herbs & spices, after extensive consultation with your Ayurvedic doctor, & everyone's dosage will be different ACCORDING to your physical/ mental/ emotional states. 

    Of course it's "too strong" or working in a not so ideal way when its chemical components are isolated & recreated in an easily consumed pill or powder form, & you're only taking that, without changing your diet or lifestyle.

    Ashwagandha, Chinese or Korean ginseng & other similar adaptogens increases body heat, so Indian gooseberry is usually added to the mix to cool down the system. If your regular diet is also full of "heaty" foods, like coffee, black tea, ginger, garlic, chillis🌶, cloves, beef, lamb, deep-fried foods, yeah Ashwagandha is going to WRECK a balanced system (just as examples: mint, cucumber, coconut, water melon, green tea, fish & seafood are considered cooling). That's why I see a lot of posts saying they feel too aggressive after a while & had to stop taking Ashwagandha.

    One needs to know how to take Ayurvedic herbs as well as what to eat during that period. 🙏

  5. I’m glad you made this video. I’ve looked into Ashwagandha but wasn’t sure because I suffer from depression. Probably won’t be taking anything until I check my cortisol. Thank you for speaking out 😊

  6. Why would you like to take something to lower the Cortisol in the morning???? That so natural to have high cortisol in the morning so you wake up!!!

  7. If a person is not feeling stressed or anxious, they might question the reason behind taking aswaganda. The doctor mentioned that he hasn't experienced depression for years. It's like feeling happy and taking antidepressants, but then claiming that they don't have any effect.

  8. I'm taking it 3 weeks already and feel the similar symptoms: very low energy and can't recover by night sleep, heart beating rate sometimes increases along with anxiety… It didn't happen before ashwagandha.
    Thank you for video, probably my body condition is similar to yours and I better should stop it and come back to coffee ☕

  9. Same, I got brain fog, ???? so I stopped using it. Disabled veteran with PTSD and maybe I need something else other than Ashwagandha.

  10. I really hate it when people on these videos repeat and repeat, repeat, repeat repeat this was all determining the first half the second half was hardly necessary. I will void your videos in the future cause I really hate when someone just rattles on it on when the point it’s been made.

  11. I have noticed that by taking this product I have had little desire to exercise or do anything anymore. Want to have to stop taking it as it makes me groggy and sleepy all day long

  12. Hmm.. my understanding was that is is an adaptogen and can modulate depending on what your body needs. I’ve taken an herbal tincture over the years several times —not for anxiety — but to help with fatigue, adrenal, pituitary, thyroid support and it always seems to help. But I take a blend that includes Ashwaganda, Schizandra, Rhodiola, Black Licorice, Holy Basil.

  13. We don't all have a reason (a medical reason so insurance will pay for it) to get our cortisol checked. My best friend does because she has Cushings and she has to wait until like midnight to check it. So, how are you getting your cortisol levels all day long?? I'm very curious. I'd love to test for this but I'm guessing insurance doesn't pay for it just because I go to the doctor and demand one.

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