Is Australia all set to legalise cannabis? Watch all details here | WION Originals

Across the world, dozens of nations have changed their laws to allow people to light up. Another nation that is about to be added …


  1. It should never ever have been made illegal at all. It helps with pain relief for chronic pain sufferers. You get an awesome sleep. And calms and relaxes people. It’s much safer and better than alcohol. It’s been long overdue to legalise it.

  2. We have the highest Drug prices in the World.. no wonder government wants to get in on it.
    They are not doing this for the people at all… ITS ANOTHER BIG MONEY MAKER FOR GOVERNMENT.
    Another opportunity for someone to get ahead in life go's down the toilet, selling weed.

  3. I don’t understand why we even have to discuss this topic anymore. So many deaths from alcohol overdoses every year and cannabis has not death records yet but it still illegal to this day. Ice age era sorry.

  4. Its a no brainer… But the big pharma drug lords won't be too happy. Lets just trust this time around those who make the final decision aren't strong handed by the big drug lords.
    If nature is illegal, than freedom doesn't really exist.

  5. No CBD products have been approved for over the counter sale in Australia I believe they mean. There seems to be plenty of variety when it comes to medical cannabis by prescription

  6. It won’t be as you think they (corrupt government) will control it and produce chemically tainted trash for us to be poisoned with as they do with literally everything else even our air and water.

  7. We cannot handle Gel blasters "Toy Guns" if a piece of plastic that has Protanal to cause harm or mass injury's, is too much of a risk for the general public to get their Nity Gritty hands on We have to hope for legalizing cannabis.

  8. As a user of CBD oil I agree with legalising the medicine. The problem that is slowing things down is that if it is legalised they need to be able to measure the level of impairment like alcohol. The alternative is having someone stoned to the point of being a danger to other road users or workers being allowed to cause injury. BTW Pot is far less dangerous when compared to alcohol or prescription meds.

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