1. Been a life long user,have stopped a few times and my life went too shite using E then brown to sleep mixing with wrong sort of ppl, decided after 5yr or so to sort myself out, got back using weed and travelled to Amsterdam where i was introduced to cannabis properly,i was lucky and had got a tip to avoid certain coffee shops and use well established shops the ones locals use,I found the Bluebird where i met the staff who explained the types of plant the effect on you,i didn't even no that a high and a stone are different animals,that was around 94 been going regular ever since,that stairs down to the first floor is scary after a few spliffs ☘️🇮🇪

  2. Those buds in his greenhouse looked really small. My bud 3 weeks away are baseball bats.

    The bigger they grow, the more cramped they are, the less the quality.That is one reason they turn it all into hash. The other is because uncrushed bud is hard to transport. You can ship hay bales all day long but no one wants to buy them.

  3. lol yah zerotolerance is supposed to be done at lights out like every other foliar 💩 25ml/L then add some omite300 20ml/L, throw in some neem oil as well with some form of purified water, not tap. that will handle anything but fucking mealybug…those fuckers are armoured with their cum covered bodies.

    bti granules will stop larvae eating within 24-72hrs
    Tanlin drops 1to1 ratio
    yellow traps on top of the soil
    or what I found super effective is just a layer of perlite like 2cm. stuff is cheap af
    they willl also taget the bottom of the pots if they can get into drainage holes 😉👌

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