Life Changing Benefits of Fasting for 24 Hours Once A Month

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  1. You just made me play "Shock the Monkey". Doing my first 24 hour fast and I'm at 20 and that monkey is chattering away. Thanks for all you do and really enjoying "FAST LIKE A GIRL" a serious must read!!

  2. I've been doing 16:8 IF for years (moderate lunch at 12-1pm, light snack at around 4pm, substantial dinner at 7-8pm) and I've seen many benefits from this routine, but I want to level up for even more long term benefits. I just did my first 24 hr fast last weekend (from dinner Sat to dinner Sun) and it wasn't easy, but it was just the right amount of stress. Going forward, I will do a 24 hr fast every week, in addition to my usual 16 hrs everyday. I think this is a solid long-term routine, but I may throw in a 48 hr fast, perhaps once monthly. We'll see…

  3. I’m currently fasting for Ramadan. Going on day 14, no food or water for 15 hours straight for 30 days.
    I’m 40 yo and take zero medications , BMI is perfect and I believe that dry fasting has helped me tremendously.
    Wish you all the best ❤

  4. So I have a question. If you are not getting into ketosis after 12 to 15-hour mark do you then not hit autophagy at 18 hours and not get your stem cells at 24? Is being in ketosis what triggers the rest of it to happen hour-by-hour or is it just something your body does naturally?

  5. Hi. I am doing 16:8 fasting since years. I got results when I am careful what I am eating and not much success most of the time because I wasn't careful what I am eating but I got used to fasting. Last week for 5 days I did 18-19 hours for the first time, very careful what I am eating and lost 3 kilos which is a first to me. My question is; 1. You are saying that autophagy starts from 17 hours but how long we should fast after that? I mean if it starts after 17 hours and if we start eating wouldn't it stop?
    2. Is it OK fasting for, 5 days 17-18 hours, 1 day 24 hours and no fasting 1 day?
    Thank you.

  6. Yes, I have done an 24 hr fast
    And a 2 days fast,
    And coloning cleaning every season.
    I lost big belly. Then I stop, a person feels great alive. After a fast. 😊

  7. I don't get it. I do 18/6 fasting daily now, and don't understand why being able to do 17hr fasts 1-2 times a week suggests a newbie is ready to try a 24hr fast. I've watched multiple vids on here and at first I was super excited and turned my sister on to it, but this vid has confused me about the fasting concept. What's going on with the other days a week?

  8. Is LMNT appropriate for fasting? I noticed that the packets have 2 carbs – 10 calories. Won’t that take me out of a fasted state – increase my blood glucose?

  9. I had Bad breath and Gerd/acid reflux, living with symptoms and pains wasn’t easy. I was able to reverse them naturally with herbal remedies and gluten free natural diet protocol of DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME on youtube.. no more foul smell when talking, I no longer have abdominal pains, indigestion, heartburn, dry cough e.t.c. thanks DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME youtube channel, i got my life back..💜💪💪

  10. I almost forgot with my last comment… I watch one of Dr. Mindy’s videos everyday. I take notes and research what she is saying. It keeps me excited about this life style change. I keep a dot journal with calendars, daily journaling, and notes from her videos. I have some really cool stickers that I add to my calendars and journal pages that relate to what I am feeling. It is little rewards. But, I love going back and reading my journal and seeing all the stickers. I am excited!

  11. I am on day 12 of the 30 day reset today from “Fast Like a Girl”. I currently have 10 different types of leafy greens in my fridge. I added kefir and kombucha to my diet in the last three days. I have homemade kimchi on my counter fermenting. I have a tight schedule being a school teacher. I have not added exercise yet. I am doing that next week. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes almost a year ago. I refused the medicines. I want to lose 75 pounds. Last week I changed two of the 17 hour fasts to 24 hour fasts. So… here is the good news. I feel wonderful. I do NOT feel like I am dieting. I do not feel deprived. I honestly did not struggle much doing the 24 hour fast. Here is the magic… I have no idea how this is possible… I lost 10 pounds already in 11 days!!! 🎉😮😊

  12. I am curious, I just saw another video about why 36 hr fast is your favorite. I have been learning so much from you and have tried a 20 and 36 hr fast after doing IF 16:8 off and on for many years. Can you help clarify whether the 24 or 36 is better for fat loss?

  13. I have been working since December. I've lost 30 lbs. I fast about 42 hrs once a week. Changed everything. No sugar and lots of good fats. I can't get past the 42 though, I just feel so bad ( makes me think I really need to) why do I feel so miserable when trying? Thanks so much 💕

  14. Can you share a video on how to 'prepare' yourself for a 24 hour fast (or longer)? For example, what foods should I eat the day before…going into a longer fast, to help keep hunger down and energy up?

  15. I too think that we were made for OMAD.
    God is perfect and it just makes sense… 🧠🫀🫁👁️🦷👂🏼🦶🏼🦵🏻👃🏼🤲🏻🫶🏻

  16. I'm not looking to lose any more weight or muscle. I would like the rest of the benefits you mentioned. How do you avoid the loss of muscle if you fast for 24 hours?

  17. Thank you Dr Mindy! I recently discovered you and fasting. I’ve done a 36 hour and 60 hour fast so far and feel amazing! I’m loving everything about this, but I’m feeling a bit of resentment.
    I’m 48 and have been struggling with my weight my entire life. Why am I only learning about this now? It’s so obvious, simple, practical, empowering… it’s everything!
    I want to tell everyone, shout it from the rooftops … but even though it’s obvious common sense, it feels taboo?
    I guess when people see me glowing and dropping the weight and ask me… I’ll spread the gospel of Dr Mindy! 🙏🏻♥️

  18. If you have SINUS headaches, however, don't do the fermented foods like kimchi or sauerkraut. They are HIGH HISTAMINE. Many people with gut issues have histamine intolernace and get sinus headaches. But the others like flax and chia are great. Also green banana flour is good for your gut. Change that for wheat flour.

  19. I’m confused about the Mct oil. Is it to be consumed during the fast? Or is is supposed to be before or after or something?

  20. I've been intermittent fasting 17/7 for 3 weeks. I did a 20-hour fast felt pretty good. felt great the next day day after that I feel like I relapsed back to square one. Is this normal? I'm frasting to alleviate long covid cough. All my symptoms returned with a vengeance two days after 20 hour fast

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