1. I really enjoyed it. I've used Weed to the point of not wanting to go to work or leave house too and I'm thankful to be told that moderation could possibly help. I found it educational

  2. for as as someone who’s 18 and currently has their medical card and has been using for the last couple years i think it legitimately helps me medically and w my headaches and stuff but if i’m being real the main reason is because i get high obviously, and as someone who genuinely doesn’t like alcohol i need some kind of vice to escape and personally i use cannabis for that

  3. I hate when productive weed smokers get lumped in with the dopeheads that stay home all day play video games and eat doritoes. Or the people who smoke weed once in a bluemoon but swear they know everything about the flower. We are not the same.

  4. so, so glad that we are finally getting rid of the stigma that smoking weed makes someone a bad parent. all the best parents i know are some of the biggest pot heads lmaoo

  5. “Do as I say not as I do” needs to be rooted out of parenting. There’s thankfully leveled and fair approaches to explaining it here. Much respect.

  6. This was great. I would tell my kid it’s a plant (which it is) until they are old enough for the detailed difference between a positive and negative drug.

  7. I think people should learn about how to use drugs safely and about safety instead of saying drugs are "bad" I remember in middle school it was "drugs are bad" but tbh kids should learn when it is and isn't okay to do anything. Because safety should be more important especially sense we know teenagers don't listen and will still do drugs as well as some drugs are for medical use.

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