Pet Supplements I use daily. #probiotics #cbd #pet

This video shows supplements, CBD oil and probiotics for Pets that I use both daily and certain products, as needed. #healthypet …


  1. We've never given probiotics to our pets because they have been, for the most part, quite healthy. However, with Bill, we were having problems with having to take him to the vet monthly to have his anal glands expressed. The vet told us to mix about a tablespoon of pumpkin with his food daily. Since then, no problems! Pets to the pups – they're great guard dogs; Ruby is amazing! This is one I'm going to bookmark Angela – great tips here and will come back if/when needed!!!

  2. Precious Ruby and Weetzie❤️Thanks so much for the review . Recently the vet recommended we put our poodle on Glandex , it’s like a fiber for canines . It has really been very beneficial for him . Plus , I think he can benefit from some some of these products. Nice to know you’ve tried them and had good results 🤗 Thanks

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