Q&A with Sherri Divband & Lily Nova: The New Earth Children

Join us for a Q&A with Founder of Aramis: a creative learning center for the new earth children. Sherri shares her expertise and …


  1. This interview has brought me so much comfort and hope. Especially with regards to the most difficult age group. As a middle aged Starseed single mom of 2 beautiful young adult Starseed girls, all 3 of us defined as "autistic" (I was diagnosed much later in life) it has been an extremely tough and lonely journey for all 3 of us, watching our peers move ahead in life whilst we remain stuck in a limbo of joblessness and severe anxiety and OCDs. We are all highly creative beings but cannot keep up with the highly charged pace of this 3D world we find ourselves stuck in. As a mom I feel like I am failing in guiding them to find their place in the world because I feel so lost and displaced myself! Falling prey more than once to energy healers who turned out to be serving the dark has been additionally challenging. But despite of and through it all, we are still holding on strong to the Light that we came here to embody and share with the world one day. Thank you Sherri and Lily for reaffirming that we are not alone and that our higher purposes here will become clear in due time. Sending you beautiful ladies so much love and appreciation from my heart for all that you do and bring to the world

  2. Such a beautiful live, I am sorry I missed it, but am here now.

    As Sherri said, sometimes doing another activity is a way of meditation.
    I have noticed personally that in my case to clear out my mind I play some music on the piano, or exercise, among many things I strongly believe it has a lot to do with deep breathing to soothe and lower our hyper brains.

    I couldn't agree more with all I heard in this video.

    Thanks amazing souls, many hugs to both of you beautiful ladies πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—and lots of love ❀‍πŸ”₯❀‍πŸ”₯😍
    Alright, alright, spreading the love to everyone, don't be jealous πŸ˜Šβ€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€πŸ€

  3. Thank you ladies for another amazing talk and sharing information on how to best understand our sweet children. I sooo so agree with what Sherri mentioned about the group age 16 to late 20s. I've met so many of them who struggle with severe depression bc they can't fit in or follow society's educational system. So many of them have zero interest in going to college just to get a degree or a job. I hold deep compassion for them as they learn to navigate their ways through so many transitioning changes all across the board. πŸ™πŸ’•

  4. Hi Lily and Sherri. Fascinating conversation and sharing of information. We will be learning a lot from our children in this new world that is coming.
    As part of your healing journey your light energy will naturally have a good effect on others. It’s part of the 5 step healing cycle which I stumbled on.
    1) All healing begins by working on the shoulders.
    2) Then the breathing relaxes.
    3) Then the mind relaxes.
    4) The way we interact with others changes for the better.
    5) Our energy naturally has a good affect on others.
    I have noticed that this cycle has closely mirrored my own personal healing journey. Your light is shining brightly Lily.

  5. I am so happy I watched this today, answers a lot of questions about my grandsons. They are 18, 21 and 22. They are stuck, no collage for them. 22 yr old has lots of problems as below. So now I understand, thank you guys.

  6. The old torch dies with us πŸ”₯(it's high time) These bright beings clearly have their own torchπŸ”₯ Much Love and Gratitude πŸ’ž

  7. How to you convey that the children may be star seeds when they are in school? Most teachers in general are not aware of this and won't be aware of the situations that these children can do.

  8. I have a 22 yr old grandson who as multiple problems, autisms, etc. Plus family issues. His father who has looked up to his entire life and was in jail rejected him and wow has it gotten him. So bad! He needs help and has no insurance.

  9. Thank you so much! Love listening to you two. My kids are in that "hard" age that Sherri talks about. They are not depressed, but do not really seem to have direction. I appreciated her insight! ❀

  10. Omg this was amazing, that last bit about a generation thats Stuck in-between rings so true to me, I feel like im in limbo im 31 never went to school cause I have no interest in learning anything..it feels so embarrassing when people ask you what you do for a living and your like… Absolutely nothing. Lol im not lazy I really don't find much interest in the like day to day school, homework, work, sleep repeat. This ain't it yall! Lol this was really informative and I am hopeful for the future, I really am. <3 ty both for this amazing video!

  11. About the question how to teach children to meditate, Dr Joe Dispenza has great guided meditations for children.
    With my toddler I teach her to breath and imagine bright light coming from the universe and fills us with love. It takes just a few seconds.

  12. Just this week we switched to showering the children in the morning as soon as they get up. This has changed up their moods incredibly. Both kids would have an ADHD label. Myself included actually. Anyway, I think the shower has been cleansing from whatever has happened in the astral, they have been different children. Diets ar challenging, I've made bad habits with lack of awareness in the past, however they will eat certain things that are great for them, so I will make more effort to change that up. Detox I think is huge in these kids too, we've started using castor oil over the liver to help with congestion. So hoping that will help with toxic load, just sharing for other mums dad's, grandparents. We're using spirulina in lemon or lime water with honey too. The kids aren't keen really, but definitely feel guided to clean up liver health in general, I'm feeling better equipped to deal with their behaviours from taking better care of myself xxx

  13. Yes the 16-20s, my 1st grandson born 2000, he struggles with this, he has a beautiful heart, open now to using crystals n the like. I am not is prime support, so just live & support as can. 2 grandchildren born after him in teens, both starseeds. Doing est I can to share what can when they ask. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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