Recreational cannabis days are numbered, Russians 'flooding' in – TNT Mar 16

With the Thai election looming, the parties have made their stance clear on the future of Cannabis use in Thailand as well as …


  1. There is no shortage of girls! The girls are clever and are Circumventing Pattaya and the beer bars by inappropriately using multiple dating Apps! Banning these Apps is the only solution to get the woman back in the beer bars like before and to make Pattaya fun again! You have to stop both the men and woman from having easy access to meet each other without being in the beer bars or in the country! They have to only be able to communicate with whomever is physically here on vacation or holiday! We have to ban all other options!
    We have to ban all the dating Apps. The Thai woman and Foreign men are using these Apps to book shortime and longtime appointments! There not using these Apps in a genuine appropriate manner. There not looking for love on these Apps or serious relationships.
    The woman are soliciting sex in Pattaya on these dating Apps and Circumventing the beer bars. They are falsely using these free dating Applications under the guides of a serious relationship and destroying business! We have to stop them from using these Apps so they can only meet the tourists that spent big money to come to Thailand to meet them on vacation.
    We can't allow these Apps to be a way to circumvent the Red light districts and beer bars in Pattaya by meeting freelancers online. Allowing the girls to circumvent the beer bars is DECIMATING Pattaya and DESTROYING BUSINESS AND TOURISM! PLEASE BAN ALL DATING APPS IN THAILAND ASAP BEFORE ITS TO LATE!

  2. Because of the Russians invading Thailand it looks like Thailand immigration are changing. I go to Chiang Rai to Chiang Rai immigration office today to do my 90 day reporting on my retirement visa and they refused to do it. I had no problem late last year at the same office. They now tell me I have to go back to Bangkok to do it because that’s where I got my retirement visa. Phuket immigration office refused to do it also when I was there last week. Now it’s up to my Agent to do it for me, at a cost of coz.The whole system sucks now!!!

  3. Cancer sticks kill 7 million people every year, liquor kills 3 million, no politicians calling to ban these legal drugs yet they claim to be concerned about cannabis that has never killed anyone. Free the herb.

  4. Russians escaping Russia to avoid certain death in Ukraine and Thailand is sending them to Russian jails from where they will be sent directly to the Bakhmut meat grinder. Thank you, Thailand for supplying Russian mobilization!

  5. The weight of the missing radioactive material seems a little too much, if it was solid lead, it would not weight this much. Maybe they have misplaced the decimal point.

  6. Blanket legalization relieves a huge burden on Prisons (and Ganja Prisoners), government workers and strained budgets in a time where money is hard to come by.
    Replacing the status quo with not one, but THREE brand new government agencies for Hemp, Medicinal and Fun usage will be SO expensive. Offices, utilities for those offices, cleaning staff for the offices. Copy paper, toner, etc., then comes Salaries to staff the office with government employees. Employees whose time could be spent on needed government services instead of trying to police a native plant.

  7. The Thai govererment are deluded if they believe the increase of Russian 'tourists are here to enjoy the culture experiences
    The sad reality is clearly obvious to a working Thai person, watching them gain a foothold buying property illegally operating business and destroying the Thai culture in the process .
    Same in Chaing Mai with the Chinese in both cites both nationalities buying up 40% of avaiable property respectively..
    Ourcome..unaffordable housing for Thais and expand pushed out all within the next 5 years
    The Thai authorities (TNT) are obsessed with the so called tourists nunbers they lose sight of texture intentions of both Russian and Chinese nationals here

  8. Wondered where Tim had gone.. 😁 Incidentally, while Cs-137 is highly radioactive it's not "fissionable". It was probably being used to monitor something, in some sort of instrument. Finally got to visiting Bangkok, er, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon – I was quite surprised by the number of cannabis shops up and down Sukhumvit. Even the street vendors are selling little baggies. I asked how much.. 10 grams for 300 baht. Cannabis designs on clothing everywhere, too.. even cannabis elephant pants. 😁

  9. that headline is yust presumptuous bullshit, come on timmie, stop being so biased and yust report the news. as far as i can see it will depend on the outcome of the voting process, and no one knows what will happen in that regard…

  10. Hi everyone. Hope enjoying the sun and great food.i am due to return tomorrow (30)days .but of course it's 45 days 1st time then hopefully an extension or 2.i contacted Emirates to inform them.but they told me I must contact tui flight operated also.and inform them or I may be charged or a NO SHOW
    UK 7 hours behind us so cannot contact till later today.i am bit worried and hope it's ok me cancel and stay longer.i know I will have to make fresh booking when do return home

  11. Thailand has become a mere shadow of its former self. Allowing Russians to seek refuge in the country is an indication of both ignorance and desire for $. In Chiang Mai the sidewalks are heaps of rocks while the smog is thick as pea soup. Did a mistake of coming here after living here 16 years ago. Off to Vietnam. Chao.

  12. Mainstream media is currently reporting that Bali is considering banning Russian tourists from driving due to their bad behaviour on the roads and Russian tourists have indicated that they'll pack up and move to Thailand………. Watch out Thailand.

  13. You are correct.The burning season stories were headlines in the past and will be again next year. Jan to March in Thailand is off the menu now for me.

  14. Tim, I'm one of those guys who gave you the odd hard time on The Thaiger channel, as you desk got more and more full of sponsor products. I could barely see you, LOL! This channel is much better. By they way, I really don't have time to watch 15-20 min videos every day, but I normally check out your channel and use the timestamps (missing here) to watch what I'm interested in. Keep up the good work!

    By the way, I'm a businessman, not here to party, but legal cannabis is one of the biggest draws for me. I don't smoke a lot, but I do find it valuable. I'm going to guess Thailand will shoot itself in the foot here, but hoping not.

  15. The lack of cannabis specific taxes being collected is shooting the Thai cannabis industry in the foot. California's yearly tax revenue hovers around 1billion US Dollars. It has bin consistent at around that number each year now for the 5 years in effect. That's well over 34 Billion Baht a year. And only 13-16 percent of California (and US) residents are users. That is one US state of 39 million people paying almost 3 times as much in taxes as is collected for Alcohol and tobacco yearly in all of Thailand where 30% +/_ of Thais drink and over 20% smoke tobacco. Taxes can be spent on many issues including anti youth drug use campaigns, anti impaired driving programs, drug rehabilitation programs, improved prison conditions, and equipment for police safety and investigation.
    🤯It could even be used to subsidize farmers getting the equipment needed to replace the burning of their rice fields 🤯.
    The legal cannabis trade is not the major issue driving the illegal drugs market in Thailand. Yabba out paces Cannabis in the illegal trade by far by the Thai police's own reports on busts. And it will be back to just black market cannabis if prohibition goes back into effect where 100% of profit is untaxed as the ban would not end its use as it didn't before. And the connected criminals actually cost Thailand money when they are arrested tried and jailed for long terms. Even with poor conditions inside the prisons it still costs to keep them. With the potential for billions of Baht a year in taxes alone not to mention money made from connected vacationers and supplying industries there would be plenty to go around. Also consider that globally cannabis is becoming more and more accepted so these supplying companies (think specialized farm and processing equipment) could have eventual export value as well if there product development is not hampered or just downright stopped. It's possible even Cannabis itself could eventually have export value.

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