Status of marijuana and gun control bills at State Capitol

State lawmakers have returned from their Easter-Passover break with just six weeks left to finish a lot of work. Welcome to the …


  1. They don't care about public safety. They let violent criminals off with a slap on the wrist time & time again. The smoke shop by my house on Stryker & George (St Paul) had a clerk murdered by a guy back in Feb. The killer was let out even though he should have been locked up for a drive by shooting he had committed.

  2. Banning guns isn't going to help, it's mental people that kill, the biggest problem is that they glorified it, and you get copycat killers that try to get their 10 minutes of fame! If they can't get their hands on guns, they will find another way, some kind of vehicle, maybe a back pack full of Molotov Cocktails, a Pipe bomb, in other words if they are that intent on hurting someone they will find a way. They are sick, I think most people just can't understand why anyone would take pleasure in hurting anyone, especially a child!

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