Texas Agriculture Commissioner pushes for legalization of medical marijuana | FOX 7 Austin

A UT Tyler poll in May 2022 found that 83% of Texans support medical cannabis legalization, with 91% of democrats on board …


  1. it's been fully recreationally legal in Colorado since 2012, what about all the victims of alcahol, they're ok with that, just not a safe alternative, I'll never understand, you can tell me fire is cold, but if it still burns and you still tell me it doesn't burn, idk about you 🙀😹✌️

  2. Ain't nothing going to change on legalization till Greg Abbott is voted out of office this November !!!
    Abbott is a cannabis prohibitionest and is against full legalization !!!
    Ain't voting for Abbott this time around no way !!!!

  3. 0:55 "we're not gonna let people smoke dope in Texas"

    Bro a good portion of Texas citizens already smoke cannabis. The longer they keep pushing prohibition then that's more money that goes to the street dealers, vs legal taxed could literally GO TO fixing the streets and schools.

  4. Ok so why can't the people have a better quality of life not just the medical patients?, why can't we (ALL) have a better quality of life with this plant that was created on earth that doesn't discriminate

  5. Legalization will give tax money to cops and schools to focus on more deadly drugs, take away the cannabis funds from criminals, and ensure tax paying adults can choose to buy clean, untainted, real, healthy delta 9 (THC) legally or not. Bars exist and adults are fine. Allow texas adults to get clean weed and pay taxes instead of supporting criminals in exchange for poison weed.

  6. NO! Legal weed is a Gateway drug to full Blown Liberalism!
    Look at Colorado, Cali, Oregon Washington, Nevada.
    Support your local un taxed grower!


  7. When a loved one is in pain, wasting away unable to eat, and needs this marvelous herb in order to increase their appetite, reduce the overwhelming pain, and live as as healthy and happily as they can with the time they have left, let’s have the compassion to allow them to have it.

    Stop treating Medical Marijuana Patients like second rate citizens and common criminals by forcing them to the dangerous black market for their medicine.

    Risking incarceration to obtain the medicine you need is no way to be forced to live.

    Support Medical Marijuana Now!

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