The Endocannabinoid (ECS) System. How Does CBD Work? Doctor Jack Episode 5

Continuing on with CBD education, let us talk about how it works! Join me for a deep dive on the endocannabinoid system (ECS).


  1. I lives in the United States help me thank Dr,JACK who helped cured me from HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS AND HEPATITIS B in just one (1) week. I got to know him from a friend who he helped, at first I doubt if his herbal product would work until my friend put her car at stake that if it doesn't work she would give me her car. After which I decided to try to God be the glory am now a living testimony, all thanks to DR,JACK if not him I would not have been healed so easily.. You can reach him

  2. im so confused… i use cbd oil for c-ptsd i notice alot of difference I'm really stuned since I have these symptoms over 15 years.. but does it increase serotonin bassicly trreathing the depresion that is underneath?

  3. Hey there Doctor Jack. Great video! Our of curiosity, where did you get the stats regarding such a small percentage of medical school teching on the ECS? Thanks!

  4. Everything you say to us viewers, to educate us, is important!

    You are Supercalifragilisticsexpialadocious ๐Ÿ˜ (not sure spelled correctlyโ˜บ). One of my favorite movies ๐Ÿ‘

  5. I wouldn't doubt that the lack of ECS education is because Big Pharma doesn't want the research done and for it to become studied by soo many. I see a lot of fear mongering online about cbd, and I think it's a lack of knowledge, and because most of it's shite because of the lack of regulations. I want to ban the phrase "cbd is cbd", because it's not! And you explain it perfectly in the previous video when you speak about GC. People say they don't care about the science, and why they should trust us peons selling a brand, but man, if they just watch one of your videos or one ours, they'll see what sets apart top shelf cbd from the plethora of garbage at the corner store! ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑ

  6. I have been taking green compass hemp flower extract full spectrum 1000 mg CBC oil for about 6 months now upon the recommendation of a friend hoping that it would help my sleep issues. Started with .25 ml once a day , then twice. Slowly trying to find the magic number that could work for me. No success.
    I am a 77 year old female and have a long history of taking over the counter products for sleep eventually being prescribed Zolpidem 5mg for the last 8 years or so, trying unsuccessfully to get off it because I know my dependence on it is not healthy. It gave me about 4 hours sleep. My pc doctor has recently prescribed Trazodone 25mg which gets me off to sleep ok but I still awaken after a few hours.
    The CBC oil is so expensive, which could be acceptable if it worked for me.
    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

  7. 9:14 – CB2 is @ the mitochondia as well . we have found cb1 receptors on mitochondria too but not near as many as CB2 … tis why CBD can effect PPAR in such a way

  8. 3:25 – predicted that each cell that is part of metabolically active tissue signals 15,000 biochemicals ( cannabinoids) a second per cell to maintain the ECS . around 50 to 70 trillion cells each with that much expression is a lot of lipid signaling going on ! how is that even possible you might ask ? ECS sends biochemicals backwards ( retrograde) .. each depolarized cannabinoid touches interior of cell 7 times before finalizing ( 7 trans membrane super family of receptors 7TM ) . this is ECS one oh one showing how ECS maintains that cellular homeostasis via all that signaling per cell . when we sleep this action slows down a lot and the cells rebuild their lipid reserves so as to have plenty of signaling capacity next day when you awake …

  9. 3:14 – specialized pro resolving lipid mediators / these are basically cannabinoids without stating on the label … people can feel safe researching those in comparison to illegal plants that provide the same exact molecules that are capable of such in our bodies … the phytocannabinoids resolve inflammation

  10. Thank you so much Doc! I guess I'm like you in terms of visual learning. That high-tech instrument ๐Ÿ™‚ it really helped me understand the somewhat heavy topic. So thanks for that.
    I find it almost incredible that many scientists and doctors have a terrible lack of understanding and sometimes an unwillingness to research such an awesome substance whose benefits get proven over & over . Not sure if it's due to distorted historical beliefs or possibly something more sinister like influence by pharmaceutical companies purposefully keeping CBD benefits as as doubtful as possible so they can peddle their own poisons and keep their own pockets flush.
    It's sad.
    BTW, love your T-shirt! Bruce Lee has been and still is one of my idols since childhood.
    Keep it coming Doc. Thank you.

  11. Thank you Doctor Jack for another great CBD video! I shared this one on my page too!

    Curious…Iโ€™m talking to several people about drug testing and how they are skeptical about CBD because of company policies. What are your thoughts about discussing this in a video?

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