The History of Hemp (10,000 years in 10 minutes)

Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this! All about the history of hemp! We humans have a long and rich history with the …


  1. Thanks for watching! Visit our website UNCANNYWELLNESS.COM – We specialize in Water Soluble Hemp CBD products ๐Ÿ™‚
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    Leave a comment or question down below! Iโ€™d love to hear from you.

  2. Hey! Iโ€™m writing my thesis about hemp & the stigma around hemp. This video is really educational! I was wondering where you got your sources from?

    Thank you so much for the informational video!

  3. That is more info than I remember from the baked kid on the water tower. Great connection between the synthetic textile industry and the oppressed hemp plant that was already known and used. We are so controlled be a corporate oligarchy. Itโ€™s amazing

  4. Thankyou so much. I'm in Australia where cbd is still illegal….. I have just accessed some for my severe anxiety and pmdd…people like yourself are fundamental in changing peoples (hopefully politicians too) attitude towards this wonderful plant!!!

  5. WOW! What is your name? Man you are so educated and I am so inspired. Thank you for learning all that you have and THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to create this video and your other videos to educate the rest of us. I would really love to help you advocate for HEMP. I just became part owner of a small farm starting in Arizona. I went to a Hemp Trade meeting last night in AZ and actually got laughed at when I asked for suggestions on how I can use this blessing to change the world. Literally laughed at.. because I said I dont want this opportunity to just benefit me, but the world. SO BOOM.. I am ready to advocate and educate and I would love to team up with others because we are so much more powerful together!

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